Following the worlds growing need for sustainable energy solutions, offshore wind farms are important contributions to the generation of renewable energy. One key element for a profitable and sustainable operation of offshore wind farms is that the installations are protected with the most cost-effective corrosion protective solution for the entire lifetime. In practice, this means that today’s projects are planned with an estimated lifetime of a minimum of 25 years without major maintenance of the corrosion protective solution.
Product Number:
Anette Pedersen, Kari Lønvik, Erik Krogstad Sverre, Lars Lichtenstein, Anders W. B. Skilbred, Andreas Løken
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Several operators in the Oil&Gas industry have good experience with the use of glass flake reinforced polyester (GFP) coatings, however, limited information of documented long-term performance can be found in the open literature. During decommissioning of an aged Oil&Gas installation, a visual inspection was carried out at a decommissioning yard and a brace cut out from the splash zone of the jacket structure was examined in laboratory. The examination has included visual inspection, inspection in microscope, adhesion testing and EIS measurements. The durability and service life of GFP coating in offshore splash zone environment have in this work been documented to be good after 25-30 years exposure without any maintenance.
Based on experience from Oil&Gas industry, it may in future update of design codes for offshore wind foundation structures be considered to explicitly define a higher coating design useful life and a lower corrosion allowance in splash zone for GFP coated structures.