
Shop Painting Vs Field Painting Of Steel Bridges The Pros And Cons

This paper will also discuss various cost differences between shop and field painting as it pertains to new steel and we will cover two case histories of Maryland State Highway Administration jobs which had all three coats of paint applied in the shop.

Product Number: 51322-17479-SG
Author: Charles S. Brown
Publication Date: 2022

There seems to be a trend for bridge owners to believe that applying all three coats of paint in the shop is more cost effective and will provide for a better coatings job on new steel. This paper will discuss the differences between shop coating and field painting and the pros and cons of shop applied coatings versus field applied coatings on new steel.

There seems to be a trend for bridge owners to believe that applying all three coats of paint in the shop is more cost effective and will provide for a better coatings job on new steel. This paper will discuss the differences between shop coating and field painting and the pros and cons of shop applied coatings versus field applied coatings on new steel.

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