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Protective Coatings in 21st Century Nuclear Plants

The nuclear renaissance that is emerging in the United States will be based on new power plant designs from a variety of US and international sources. While the new plant designs will be based on the time tested and proven concepts of both the boiling water reactor (BWR) and the pressurized water reactor (PWR), the emphasis of the new plants will be on engineering designs that incorporate increased levels of redundancy in safety systems, and post-LOCA passive systems to move fluids about the reactor containment, thereby providing for long-term core cooling and decay heat removal, The new plant designs will include a strong emphasis on modular, off-site construction where more protective coatings will be applied in the fabrication shop. 

Product Number: 41211-647-SG
Author: Timothy S. Andreychek, E. Bud Senkowski
Publication Date: 2011
Industry: Coatings

The nuclear renaissance that is emerging in the United States will be based on new power plant designs from a variety of US and international sources. While the new plant designs will be based on the time tested and proven concepts of both the boiling water reactor (BWR) and the pressurized water reactor (PWR), the emphasis of the new plants will be on engineering designs that incorporate increased levels of redundancy in safety systems, and post-LOCA passive systems to move fluids about the reactor containment, thereby providing for long-term core cooling and decay heat removal, The new plant designs will include a strong emphasis on modular, off-site construction where more protective coatings will be applied in the fabrication shop. This paper will investigate: (1) the anticipated use and types of protective coatings in new reactor designs, (2) relate how the NRC is moving to regulate the technical requirements applicable to coating selection and testing, 3) describe how the design philosophies inherent in the new reactor plants will potentially affect the performance envelope of the planned coating systems, and (4) discuss possible methodologies for the long-term maintenance of the applied coating systems.

The nuclear renaissance that is emerging in the United States will be based on new power plant designs from a variety of US and international sources. While the new plant designs will be based on the time tested and proven concepts of both the boiling water reactor (BWR) and the pressurized water reactor (PWR), the emphasis of the new plants will be on engineering designs that incorporate increased levels of redundancy in safety systems, and post-LOCA passive systems to move fluids about the reactor containment, thereby providing for long-term core cooling and decay heat removal, The new plant designs will include a strong emphasis on modular, off-site construction where more protective coatings will be applied in the fabrication shop. This paper will investigate: (1) the anticipated use and types of protective coatings in new reactor designs, (2) relate how the NRC is moving to regulate the technical requirements applicable to coating selection and testing, 3) describe how the design philosophies inherent in the new reactor plants will potentially affect the performance envelope of the planned coating systems, and (4) discuss possible methodologies for the long-term maintenance of the applied coating systems.

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