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This presentation summarizes the development and expansion of a comprehensive information system for corrosion of metals and alloys in high temperature gases. New insights in analysis of thermochemical data for the Fe-Ni-Cr-Co-C-O-S-N system are being compiled. Corrosion mechanisms emphasized are oxidation, sulfidation, sulfidation/oxidation, and carburization.
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A laboratory study was performed by exposing seven candidate heat exchanger alloys to simulated 2 (sCO2) Brayton power cycles. The alloys, consisting of fineirtriaitilcly s 3te.6e%ls ,O austenitic stainless steels, and nickel-base alloys, were exposed to impure CO2 containing 2 and 5.3% H2O at a constant pressure of 200 bar.
Evaluation of sheet and foil samples of two Cr2O3- and two Al2O3-forming alloys - tested for 360 days in air + 10 vol. % H2O at 760oC and 871oC. Alloys were ranked on weight change behavior and metal recession measurements, average internal penetration, and maximum internal penetration.
This paper explains the most common damage mechanisms of high temperature alloys in radiant section such as creep/carburization, thermal fatigue/carburization, and thermal shock.
The effect of back shielding gas types and contained oxygen level on the corrosion resistance of welds was investigated for gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) of UNS S32750 super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) pipes.
Corrosion behavior of commercially pure titanium (UNS R50400, ASTM GRADE 2) was investigated in presence of aggressive, bromides containing solution reported to cause more severe localized corrosion compared to chlorides.
Titanium does not show the required mechanical strength for high temperature high pressure applications and it can only be used to form liners for an SCWO apparatus. Therefore, pressure tubes made of alloy 625 were lined with titanium grade 2, Additionally corrosion tests with coupons made of titanium grades 2, 5, 7, 12 and P-C were performed.
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a term that is used to describe a family of processes that adds material in a controlled way to produce a structure or product. It has been used for many years for polymeric materials and its origin can be traced to Japan in the early 1980’s. The industrial use of AM polymeric products, then commonly introduced as stereolithography, got its start from an invention using a computer-controlled laser beam to harden a liquid polymer by Charles Hull in 1983.
Austenitic stainless steels are used for the core internal structures (bolts, baffles, formers) in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR). During operational service, baffle to former bolts have been observed to undergo Irradiation-Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking (IASCC), which is characterized by intergranular cracking. IASCC results from the material corrosion susceptibility, the microstructural changes induced by irradiation, the corrosive media and the mechanical loading. Numerous studies have been conducted to evaluate the complex interplay between the different factors, mostly focusing on InterGranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) of pre-irradiated samples in PWR environment. In particular, the oxidation behavior of grain boundaries and the mechanical loading of grain boundaries have been assessed in details. Depending on the oxidation time and the GB nature, oxide penetration along GB has been observed. The intergranular oxide is composed of (Nix,Fe1-x)Cr2O4 spinels. However, all grain boundaries (GBs) do not have the same oxidation behavior, and it has been reported that high angle grain boundaries show higher oxidation susceptibility than special grain boundaries. Radiation induced segregation at grain boundaries might also lead to higher susceptibility to intergranular oxidation. Irradiation also modifies the deformation mechanisms in austenitic steels resulting in strain localization which is believed to be an important factor in IASCC initiation as it can lead to local increase of the stress due to dislocation pile-ups at GB.
All tests in this program have been performed under simulated PWR primary cooling water conditions. The oxide layer development and morphology is addressed in the literature and more intensively being investigated during the last ten years. The oxide layer that is typically observed under these conditions has a double layer structure. The outer layer is composed of large particles of Fe3O4 and the inner layer mainly consists of small particles of FeCr2O4, e.g.