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This paper begins with a brief discussion of essential properties of all pipeline coatings, and a listing of multi-layer systems designed to meet specific needs. It then focuses on special considerations regarding application parameters for multi-layer systems that use fusionbonded epoxy as the primer.
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Three layer polypropylene (3LPP) pipeline coatings failed prematurely in the oilfields of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A failure investigation and analysis into this phenomenon was instigated. The coating disbondment has been found to be due to high residual stress concentration and adhesion loss.
Damage to coatings leads to higher potential corrosion sites on the metallic surface and could ultimately lead to a decrease in service life. This paper will present a novel coating system that incorporates both damage resistance and flexibility in a system that is not subject to cathodic shielding.
A case history of a large diameter pipeline with fusion bonded epoxy coating that experienced AC corrosion within six (6) years while a similar 67-year-old pipeline with coal tar enamel coating experienced none.
Emergency guideline. Protective coatings for carbon steel and austenitic stainless steel under insulation systems. Systems considered: thin film liquid-applied coatings, fusionbonded coatings, metallizing, and wax-tape coatings. HSITORICAL DOCUMENT 1997
This AMPP standard practice presents guidelines for establishing minimum requirements to ensure proper material selection, application, and inspection of pipeline liquid coatings used for the repair and rehabilitation of previously coated, buried steel pipelines and for coating the external surfaces of field joints on newly constructed, buried steel pipe. This standard addresses the required properties, application recommendations, and quality control testing for field-applied liquid coating using various chemistries on buried steel pipelines. Examples of currently used chemistries for field-applied liquid coatings include epoxies, polyurethanes, and vinyl esters. This standard is intended for use by corrosion control personnel, design engineers, project managers, suppliers, purchasers, and construction engineers and managers.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. This NACE standard test method describes a reliable measuring methodology for determining the gouge resistance of coating systems used on buried ferrous metal pipelines.
Aplicación y el desempeño de recubrimientos de epóxico de fusión-bond (FBE) aplicado en planta a ductos (tuberías). Usados en conjunto con la protección catódica. Controlar la calidad. Aplicación apropiada. Inspección y reparación.
Recubrmientos de epóxico de fusión-bond (FBE) aplicados en campo a las superficies externas en las uniones con soldaduras circunferenciales de ductos (tuberías) encontrados en la industria petrolera.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Field-applied fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) external pipe coating systems for girth weld joints. Applicable to underground steel pipelines in the oil and gas gathering, distribution, and transmission industries.
Accepted techniques in the use of holiday detector equipment currently used on fusion-bonded epoxy pipeline coatings prior to on-site installation of the pipeline. Historical Document 1995