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Presents guidelines for cathodic protection of reinforcing steel in concrete structures. The guidelines are limited to impressed current cathodic protection systems for new or existing atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete and are not intended for application to prestressed concrete. Criteria described include 100 mV polarization development/decay, statistical distribution analysis, and E-log I analysis.
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Guidelines for specification writing for handling and installing nickel-based alloy, stainless steel & titanium linings in air pollution control equipment. Materials, design, delivery, storage & handling.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Cracking in wet H2S petroleum refinery environments. Detection, repair, and mitigation of cracking of existing carbon steel refinery equipment.
Painting electrical equipment to protect it from the detrimental effects of corrosion and help extend its operating life.
HISTORIAL DOCUMENT. Application of coatings to the interior surfaces of rail tank cars transporting molten sulfur. Surface preparation. Coating materials. Inspection. Testing. Instruments.
This NACE International standard practice provides current technology and industry practices for the use of field-applied heat-shrinkable-sleeve coating systems. The standard is intended for use by corrosion control personnel, design engineers, project managers, purchasers, and construction engineers and managers. It is applicable to underground steel pipelines in the oil and gas gathering, distribution, and transmission industries.
The standard practice presents guidelines for establishing minimum requirements to ensure proper application and performance of field-applied, heat-shrinkable sleeves to the external surfaces of coated pipe. Included are methods for (1) qualifying and controlling the quality of a heat-shrinkable sleeve, (2) guidelines for proper application, and (3) inspection and repair techniques to ensure its long-term performance. The standard is applicable to coating systems used to prevent corrosion in conjunction with cathodic protection, and heat-shrinkable wraparound- or tubular-type sleeve coating systems on underground steel pipelines.
Testing and investigative procedures for evaluation of conventionally reinforced concrete structures. Focus on degradation from corrosion of reinforcing steel.
In 1998, pipeline operators began to use a instrumented inspection technology that we now know as guided wave testing (GWT), which detects changes in the cross-sectional area of the pipe wall.
Defines minimum physical quality and inspection standards for cast sacrificial anodes for offshore applications.