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Method to describe specific levels of soluble salt contamination for the purpose of specifying surface cleanliness prior to coating. Employs surface conductivity measurements.
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Determining quality piping systems of inhabited, nonindustrial buildings and options for remediation. Identification. Severity assessment. Course of action. Implementation.
Methods for the handling and use of inhibited hydrochloric acid for oilfield applications. Minimizing acid corrosion. Preparation of the well & acid solution. Solution pumping/injection. Handling return fluids.
High-voltage electrical inspection of pipeline coatings. Guidelines on testing voltages, grounding, exploring electrodes, speed of travel, voltage measurements, surface condition, care of equipment.
High-voltage electrical inspection of pipeline coatings. Testing voltages, grounding, exploring electrodes, speed of travel, voltage measurements, surface condition, and care of equipment. REDLINE copy - changes from previous version detailed.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Recommendations for controlling external corrosion on underground storage tank systems by cathodic protection. Bare/coated mild steel tanks. Metallic piping & connectors/components.
Control de corrosión en tanques subterráneos mediante protección catodÍca (CP). Tanques de acero dulce y partes metálicas . Criterios, diseño, instalacción, mantenimiento.
Requirements to ensure adequate isolation of cathodically protected pipelines, especially those with high-quality dielectric coatings.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. One procedure for measuring the surface profile of abrasive blast cleaned steel. The measurement technique uses a tape that replicates the surface profile.
Redline versions of standards show the changes to the current edition of the standard since the last edition. Changes are shown in underline and strikeout. With the Redline, users will be able to quickly identify additions and deletions from the previous version.
Inspection of Lining Application in Steel and Concrete Equipment. Redline version - changes since last edition are shown in underline or strikeout.
Appropriate inspection requirements to verify compliance to a specification. It is not intended to address the selection of a coating or to specify surface preparation and application requirements.
DOWNLOADABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Cathodic protection (CP) of reinforcing steel in concrete structures. Impressed current CP for atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete. Not intended for application to prestressed concrete.