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This paper describes corrosion rate prediction models for the main corrosion mechanisms of carbon steel in Exploration and Production service. The models succeed earlier work by De Waard, Milliams, and Lotz.
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This research effort was designed to evaluate stress-oriented hydrogen-induced cracking (SOHIC) behavior of a broad range of advanced plate steels (0.002 wt% sulfur) that were not produced to enhance resistance to cracking in wet H2S environments. Test results indicated that SOHIC resistance was adversely affected by microstructural (ferrite/pearlite) banding. However, additional factors also played a role in determining SOHIC behavior.
SINTEF (a Norwegian research Co.) made studies of the sensitivity to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of super 13Cr martensitic stainless steels. These tests are summarised in this paper. Both slow strain rate (SSR), 4-point-bend and fracture mechanics testing have been conducted. The effect of temperature, cathodic protection (CP), applied potential, strain rate and H2S were investigated.
This paper describes a series of tests on two grades of stainless steels UNS S31600 (AISI 316) and UNS S66286 (ASTM A453 Gr. 660– Alloy A286) in simulated H2S-contining oil and gas service environments. The purpose of this study was to evaluate these materials for stress corrosion cracking.
This Phase II work in NH3-dominated sour waters studied the impact of several process variables including NH4HS concentration, NH3 partial pressure, H2S partial pressure, temperature, cyanide concentration, and velocity (wall shear stress).
Sour service behavior of a 110ksi material was investigated in a range of production environments. Slow strain rate tests were performed at a strain rate of 510-7/s, in sweet as well as in sour production environments. The strain to failure in sweet environments is lower than the in-air values and is substantially lower in the presence of H2S.
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the possibility of testing full sized connections in sour environments. It is also intended to demonstrate to the industry that the pipe body is possibly more susceptible to cracking than is the premium connection fabricated from the same susceptible material.
Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) can be a major issue for line pipe exposed to sour environments. In this study, influence of the test solutions on HIC evaluation was investigated from the view point of corrosion. Electrochemical measurements were employed to compare corrosion behavior of line pipe steels between the 0.93N acetate buffer solution and the conventional 0.05N acetate solution.
The internal corrosion of pipeline steel in the presence of hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) represents a significant problem in oil and gas industry. In the present study, experimentation was conducted to better resolve the direct reduction of H₂S while minimizing the effect of the anodic reaction by using a passive stainless steel working electrode.
Results of the stress corrosion cracking tests showed that wrought UNS S31803 was not resistant to environmentally-induced cracking or corrosion in the test environment. A difference in surface finish did not have a significant effect.
This study will provide an overview of silicon-based chemical vapor deposition (CVD) nanocoatings that, when applied to stainless steel and other alloys, fight corrosion while simultaneously easing design, fabrication, and integration of coated components.
We have identified a class of inhibitory molecules that abrogate sulfidogenesis in oilfield produced fluids. Bottle tests and laboratory-scale bioreactors to mimic field conditions, found that very low doses of two versions of this class of compounds were found to effectively prevent H2S generation.