
51313-02148-Portable Online 4-Probe Sensor for Simultaneous Monitoring of Corrosion Rate and SRB Activity

Product Number: 51313-02148-SG
ISBN: 02148 2013 CP
Author: Sankara Papavinasam
Publication Date: 2013

Corrosion is the main component of the operating and maintenance costs of petroleum industry. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) significantly contributes to the overall corrosion.  Sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) are the primary cause of MIC.
A patented 4-probe sensor for simultaneous monitoring of SRB activity and corrosion was demonstrated previously.  The online SRB monitoring probe (OnSM) was based on biosensor technology in which sulphide oxidase (SO) was used as the indicating element. 

The OnSM was previously validated using biogenic sulfide produced by SRB in continuous flow-loop experiments. The sources of the SRB culture were onshore oil field in Alberta and offshore oilfield in Newfoundland. The corrosion rate was also monitored simultaneously using electrochemical polarization resistance (LPR) technique. The BCP thus monitored both SRB activity and corrosion rate and had four sensor elements: 1018 carbon steel working electrode (WE) stainless steel counter electrode (CE) saturated calomel electrode (SCE) reference electrode (RE) and SO enzyme electrode (EE). For monitoring SRB activity a combination of EE CE and RE was used and for monitoring corrosion rate a combination of WE CE and RE was used.

A portable 4-probe sensor was fabricated towards taking the technology to the field. The results obtained from the portable and laboratory 4-probe sensors are discussed in this paper.

Keywords - Biosensor corrosion rate SRB MIC electrochemistry online monitoring

Corrosion is the main component of the operating and maintenance costs of petroleum industry. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) significantly contributes to the overall corrosion.  Sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) are the primary cause of MIC.
A patented 4-probe sensor for simultaneous monitoring of SRB activity and corrosion was demonstrated previously.  The online SRB monitoring probe (OnSM) was based on biosensor technology in which sulphide oxidase (SO) was used as the indicating element. 

The OnSM was previously validated using biogenic sulfide produced by SRB in continuous flow-loop experiments. The sources of the SRB culture were onshore oil field in Alberta and offshore oilfield in Newfoundland. The corrosion rate was also monitored simultaneously using electrochemical polarization resistance (LPR) technique. The BCP thus monitored both SRB activity and corrosion rate and had four sensor elements: 1018 carbon steel working electrode (WE) stainless steel counter electrode (CE) saturated calomel electrode (SCE) reference electrode (RE) and SO enzyme electrode (EE). For monitoring SRB activity a combination of EE CE and RE was used and for monitoring corrosion rate a combination of WE CE and RE was used.

A portable 4-probe sensor was fabricated towards taking the technology to the field. The results obtained from the portable and laboratory 4-probe sensors are discussed in this paper.

Keywords - Biosensor corrosion rate SRB MIC electrochemistry online monitoring

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