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Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Detection. Environments. Engineering, chemical & biological approaches. Electrochemical techniques. Biofilm formation. Causative organisms. Case histories. 2007 Wiley
A multi-disciplinary, multi-industry overview of microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), with strategies for diagnosis and control or prevention, this book helps engineers and scientists understand and combat the costly failures that occur due to MIC. This book combines recent findings from diverse disciplines into one comprehensive reference. Complete with case histories from a variety of environments, it covers biofilm formation; causative organisms, relating bacteria and fungi to corrosion mechanisms for groups of metals; diagnosing and monitoring MIC; electrochemical techniques, with an overview of methods for detection of MIC; the impact of alloying elements, including antimicrobial metals, and design features on MIC; MIC of non-metallics; strategies for control or prevention of MIC, including engineering, chemical, and biological approaches. This is a valuable, all-inclusive reference for corrosion scientists, engineers, and researchers, as well as designers, managers, and operators. 2007 by Wiley, 6-1/2” x 9-1/2”, hardbound, 279 pages
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