
Metal, Moisture, and Mystery: The Curious Case of the Corroding Phone Charger Pin

In metal-based electrical devices, corrosion poses a significant challenge and can be instigated by numerous factors such as moisture exposure, contact with salts and chemicals, and the occurrence of galvanic corrosion when different metals interact in an electrolyte-rich environment. Manufacturing defects, including substandard materials or insufficient protective coatings, can also contribute to corrosion. To combat this, it's essential to uphold cleanliness and dryness, conduct regular gentle cleaning to eradicate potential corrosive substances, and store the devices appropriately in cool, dry areas. The paper interestingly explores this phenomenon, with a case study focusing on the corrosion of a specific pin in a Phone charger as compared to the other seven pins on the same side of the charger.
Product Number: 51324-21155-SG
Author: Anil Kumar Chikkam; Mehrooz Zamanzadeh; Aaron Ulmer
Publication Date: 2024
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