
51312-01436-Kinetic Study of the Effect of a Mixture of Two Corrosion Inhibitors in Reducing the Corrosion Rate

Product Number: 51312-01436-SG
ISBN: 01436 2012 CP
Author: Rihan Omar Rihan
Publication Date: 2012
In oil and gas production industry internal corrosion is a well-known phenomenon and has a serious problem. The major cost of maintenance for these industries is related to the severe damage by corrosion while part of operating cost in these industries is related to inhibition of this phenomenon. Carbon steel (CS) is the most widely used engineering material in petroleum production refining pipelines and chemical processing industries. Amines are one of the groups of compounds that have improved inhibition efficiency against corrosion in carbon steel. These compounds inhibit corrosion by adsorption of the amine group to the metal surface retarding the anodic dissolution of iron by the protective aggregate layer bonding on this surface. Two amine-based inhibitors (inhibitors A and B) which are widely used by Saudi Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) the largest oil producing and manufacturing company at different environments. However optimizing the concentration of those inhibitors according to the operating conditions is required to minimize the operating cost. The corrosion inhibitors in seawater are desirable to prevent or inhibit corrosion of the metal surfaces. This search has involved the study of the effect of each inhibitor and the combination/mixture of the two inhibitors in order to reduce the sea water corrosion problems in 1018 carbon steel petroleum pipelines under different kinetic conditions using a circulating flow loop system inside an autoclave. It was found that a mixture of inhibitor A with inhibitor B was reduced the corrosion rate more than each inhibitor acting alone. The inhibition efficiency of the mixture was investigated at different methods such; weight loss linear polarization resistance and potentiodynamic polarization methods. It was found that 5 ppm of inhibitor A and 5 ppm of inhibitor B is the optimum. The inhibition efficiency was 71.3% at 55oC 1000 rpm and pH 8.2.
In oil and gas production industry internal corrosion is a well-known phenomenon and has a serious problem. The major cost of maintenance for these industries is related to the severe damage by corrosion while part of operating cost in these industries is related to inhibition of this phenomenon. Carbon steel (CS) is the most widely used engineering material in petroleum production refining pipelines and chemical processing industries. Amines are one of the groups of compounds that have improved inhibition efficiency against corrosion in carbon steel. These compounds inhibit corrosion by adsorption of the amine group to the metal surface retarding the anodic dissolution of iron by the protective aggregate layer bonding on this surface. Two amine-based inhibitors (inhibitors A and B) which are widely used by Saudi Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) the largest oil producing and manufacturing company at different environments. However optimizing the concentration of those inhibitors according to the operating conditions is required to minimize the operating cost. The corrosion inhibitors in seawater are desirable to prevent or inhibit corrosion of the metal surfaces. This search has involved the study of the effect of each inhibitor and the combination/mixture of the two inhibitors in order to reduce the sea water corrosion problems in 1018 carbon steel petroleum pipelines under different kinetic conditions using a circulating flow loop system inside an autoclave. It was found that a mixture of inhibitor A with inhibitor B was reduced the corrosion rate more than each inhibitor acting alone. The inhibition efficiency of the mixture was investigated at different methods such; weight loss linear polarization resistance and potentiodynamic polarization methods. It was found that 5 ppm of inhibitor A and 5 ppm of inhibitor B is the optimum. The inhibition efficiency was 71.3% at 55oC 1000 rpm and pH 8.2.
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