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51318-11484-Identification of Microbiocides that Mitigate a Broad Spectrum of Problematic Microorganisms

The kill efficiency of various oil and gas industry biocides was evaluated against pure cultures of a common oil and gas industry iron reducer, sulfate reducer, acid-producer and a methanogen.

Product Number: 51318-11484-SG
Author: Jennifer Fichter / Chris Janes / Elizabeth J. Summer
Publication Date: 2018

The oil and gas industry has historically recognized sulfate-reducing and acid-producing bacteria as problematic microorganisms and tailored identification, monitoring and microbiocide programs around these key microbial populations. In the last decade, the adoption of nucleic acid based monitoring methods, such as metagenomics and qPCR, has allowed the industry to identify additional metabolic classes of bacteria and archaea that are involved in causing operational issues in oil and gas production system. As the DNA based testing has become more cost effective and accepted across the industry, a large amount of knowledge has been gained about the problematic microbial populations in each system.

The expanded microbial population knowledge base may lead the operator to ask the following questions: 1) now that we know we have each of these different problematic organisms in our system, would we treat the system differently to control these microbial populations and the issues they cause; and 2) is there a biocide that consistently performs well against all problematic microbes? The kill efficiency of various oil and gas industry biocides was evaluated against pure cultures of a common oil and gas industry iron reducer, sulfate reducer, acid-producer and a methanogen. Biocides that performed well against each individual problematic species as well as the biocides that consistently performed well against all microorganisms were identified.

Key words: biocides, biocide resistance, biocide sensitivity, APB, acid producing bacteria, SRB, sulfate reducing bacteria, IRB, iron reducing bacteria,16S amplicon metagenomics

The oil and gas industry has historically recognized sulfate-reducing and acid-producing bacteria as problematic microorganisms and tailored identification, monitoring and microbiocide programs around these key microbial populations. In the last decade, the adoption of nucleic acid based monitoring methods, such as metagenomics and qPCR, has allowed the industry to identify additional metabolic classes of bacteria and archaea that are involved in causing operational issues in oil and gas production system. As the DNA based testing has become more cost effective and accepted across the industry, a large amount of knowledge has been gained about the problematic microbial populations in each system.

The expanded microbial population knowledge base may lead the operator to ask the following questions: 1) now that we know we have each of these different problematic organisms in our system, would we treat the system differently to control these microbial populations and the issues they cause; and 2) is there a biocide that consistently performs well against all problematic microbes? The kill efficiency of various oil and gas industry biocides was evaluated against pure cultures of a common oil and gas industry iron reducer, sulfate reducer, acid-producer and a methanogen. Biocides that performed well against each individual problematic species as well as the biocides that consistently performed well against all microorganisms were identified.

Key words: biocides, biocide resistance, biocide sensitivity, APB, acid producing bacteria, SRB, sulfate reducing bacteria, IRB, iron reducing bacteria,16S amplicon metagenomics

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