
Fundamental Mechanisms of Mild Steel Corrosion in H2S Containing Environments

The current understanding of the corrosion mechanisms in H2S containing environments considers the direct electrochemical reduction of H2S as the main contribution of this species to the corrosion process. Such an argument has been developed based on the distinctive behavior of cathodic polarization curves in H2S containing solutions as compared to the behavior observed in the solutions of strong acids or those in presence of other weak acids such as carboxylic acids and carbonic acid. The direct reduction of H2S is generally associated with the observation of a “double wave” in a cathodic polarization curve. In the present study the mechanism of cathodic currents in H2S containing acidic solutions was studied theoretically through a comprehensive mathematical model. The model includes a mechanistic description of main processes including mass transfer chemical reactions and electrochemical reactions. A quantitative analysis based on this model showed that all the characteristic behaviors previously associated with the direct reduction of H2S including the “double wave” behavior can be explained based on the homogeneous chemical dissociation of H2S as a weak acid and hydrogen ion reduction as the sole cathodic reaction. This analysis suggests that H2S is not a significant electroactive species and its main contribution to the corrosion process is through its buffering ability as a weak acid similar to other weak acids such as carboxylic acids and carbonic acid. In order to validate these mechanistic observations the results from this model were compared to existing experimental data from the open literature. The model was found to be able to capture the main characteristic experimental behaviors with reasonable accuracy further supporting this mechanistic argument.

Product Number: 51319-12875-SG
Author: Aria Kahyarian
Publication Date: 2019
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07655 A Mechanistic Model of H2S Corrosion of Mild Steel

Product Number: 51300-07655-SG
ISBN: 07655 2007 CP
Author: Wei Sun and Srdjan Nesic
Publication Date: 2007