
Evaluation of Galvanic Coupling of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel in Concrete Structures in Marine Environment

Duplex stainless steels are used in concrete structures installed under high aggressiveness conditions such as marine atmosphere or areas with intense use of de-icing salt. This type of rebars are used when a very service life is required (over 100 years) or when there are maintenance restrictions such as inaccessibility or very high maintenance costs and disturbances to the population. Due to the high initial cost the use of duplex stainless steel rebars are restricted to the outside layer of a concrete structure which is directly subjected to a chloride contamination whereas at the inside areas or in areas protected from a chloride contamination carbon steel rebars are used electrically connected to the stainless steel rebars. However the galvanic corrosion of the stainless steel/carbon steel couple is a concern because different metals are kept in contact with each other in the structure. This work aims at studying the behavior of UNS S32304 stainless steel rebars in electric contact with bare steel rebars. Corrosion tests were conducted with the rebars immersed in pore solution and embedded in concrete subjected to cycles of contamination by chloride ions. Tests using AISI 304 were conducted as a reference.

Product Number: 51319-13334-SG
Author: Zehbour Panossian
Publication Date: 2019
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