
51313-02382-Erosion-Corrosion of Lean Duplex Stainless Steel (UNS S32101) in a CO2-Saturated Oilfield Brine

Product Number: 51313-02382-SG
ISBN: 02382 2013 CP
Author: Sunday Aribo
Publication Date: 2013

Lean duplex stainless steels are becoming increasingly popular in the oilfield environments as a result of their attractive cost good mechanical properties and relatively good corrosion resistance. One such application is in the production of carcasses of flexible pipes. For high sand production oilfields the challenge has gone beyond mere corrosion resistance and should include erosion-corrosion resistance. During the production of carcasses the materials is left in the cold worked condition in contrast to the solution treated condition required by NACE standard. The cold working of this alloy not only affects the surface features but also the subsurface/near-surface morphologies. Previous research has concentrated on the SEM analysis of the damaged surface without consideration of the near-surface transformation and modifications during erosion-corrosion. This present work studies the effects of near – surface transformation caused by prior work hardening by impinging sand on erosion-corrosion and its synergy effects. Lean duplex stainless steels were prior work hardened at room temperature in a nitrogen purged water for four hours to modify the surface and sub-surface properties before carrying out the erosion-corrosion tests in a CO2-saturated oilfield brine. The results obtained from this analysis were compared with other sets of alloys that were not given the prior work hardening treatment. Residual stresses induced by both prior work hardening were determined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) while the near surface microstructural transformation were analysed with the aid of a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Results demonstrated that prior workhardening decreases the erosion-corrosion material loss the erosion component the erosion-enhanced corrosion and corrosion-enhanced erosion.

Lean duplex stainless steels are becoming increasingly popular in the oilfield environments as a result of their attractive cost good mechanical properties and relatively good corrosion resistance. One such application is in the production of carcasses of flexible pipes. For high sand production oilfields the challenge has gone beyond mere corrosion resistance and should include erosion-corrosion resistance. During the production of carcasses the materials is left in the cold worked condition in contrast to the solution treated condition required by NACE standard. The cold working of this alloy not only affects the surface features but also the subsurface/near-surface morphologies. Previous research has concentrated on the SEM analysis of the damaged surface without consideration of the near-surface transformation and modifications during erosion-corrosion. This present work studies the effects of near – surface transformation caused by prior work hardening by impinging sand on erosion-corrosion and its synergy effects. Lean duplex stainless steels were prior work hardened at room temperature in a nitrogen purged water for four hours to modify the surface and sub-surface properties before carrying out the erosion-corrosion tests in a CO2-saturated oilfield brine. The results obtained from this analysis were compared with other sets of alloys that were not given the prior work hardening treatment. Residual stresses induced by both prior work hardening were determined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) while the near surface microstructural transformation were analysed with the aid of a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Results demonstrated that prior workhardening decreases the erosion-corrosion material loss the erosion component the erosion-enhanced corrosion and corrosion-enhanced erosion.

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