
Effectiveness of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Corrosion Control of Tank Bottom Plate

Soil-side corrosion of above ground storage tank bottoms is a major challenge for the midstream operators owning tanks farms. In North America most of the above ground storage tanks include active cathodic protection (CP) systems to protect soil-side of the tank bottoms from corrosion. However CP systems could fail leading to unprotected tank bottom and sometime extensive corrosion could occur even with an active CP system in place. In addition a tank without a CP system could experience elevated corrosion including pitting corrosion. Vapor corrosion inhibitors (VCIs) are being promoted as alternative corrosion control measures.A pipeline research council international (PRCI)-sponsored study was conducted to evaluate effectiveness of the VCIs in mitigating corrosion. The study was conducted to determine to determine whether the VCIs are effective in mitigating corrosion to a level comparable to a working CP system for tank bottoms. Extensive amount of laboratory scale testing was conducted and the experimental data were rigorously analyzed. It was found that the VCIs are effective in mitigating corrosion when vendor specific recommended dosages are used but the corrosion rates were not mitigated to the extent specified in NACE SP0193 and NACE SP0169 for demonstrating adequate cathodic protection.

Product Number: 51319-13098-SG
Author: Pavan Shukla
Publication Date: 2019
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Picture for The Next Generation of Double Bottom Tank Cathodic Protection
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The Next Generation of Double Bottom Tank Cathodic Protection

Product Number: 51319-12924-SG
Author: Lou Koszewski
Publication Date: 2019