
51313-02371-Effect of Thiocyanate on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Corrosion Resistant Alloys in Halide Brines

Product Number: 51313-02371-SG
ISBN: 02371 2013 CP
Author: Lillian Skogsberg
Publication Date: 2013

An API sponsored program studying the interaction of completion brines and corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) has been underway for several years.  This paper addresses the effect of thiocyanate (SCN-) on promoting stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in corrosion resistant alloys exposed to halide brines.  Thiocyanate was an additive typically used as a high temperature casing corrosion inhibitor.  The study documented here is the result of the analyses of field failures published laboratory tests and results from the current API sponsored test program.  Findings show that brine-CRA combinations where SCN- additions can be used without risks of SCC are limited.  The detrimental effect of SCN- is due to SCN- reaction products including but not limited to H2S. Two SCN- decomposition reactions have been identified: (1) a low temperature route which appears to be confined to reactions associated with localized corrosion and (2) thermal decomposition forming H2S at higher temperatures.

An API sponsored program studying the interaction of completion brines and corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) has been underway for several years.  This paper addresses the effect of thiocyanate (SCN-) on promoting stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in corrosion resistant alloys exposed to halide brines.  Thiocyanate was an additive typically used as a high temperature casing corrosion inhibitor.  The study documented here is the result of the analyses of field failures published laboratory tests and results from the current API sponsored test program.  Findings show that brine-CRA combinations where SCN- additions can be used without risks of SCC are limited.  The detrimental effect of SCN- is due to SCN- reaction products including but not limited to H2S. Two SCN- decomposition reactions have been identified: (1) a low temperature route which appears to be confined to reactions associated with localized corrosion and (2) thermal decomposition forming H2S at higher temperatures.

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