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Digital Data Management for Coating Inspection Tasks on Steel Structures

A new software system has been developed to allow a plan to be created for the inspection tasks associated with the coating processes for a steel structure. This system uses a coatings library to create the coating systems that are to be applied to various user-defined zones of the structure. These zones are identified on a schematic drawing of the structure and then the coating systems and inspection regimes that are required can be associated with these zones. 

Product Number: 41209-475-SG
Author: John Fletcher
Publication Date: 2009
Industry: Coatings

A new software system has been developed to allow a plan to be created for the inspection tasks associated with the coating processes for a steel structure. This system uses a coatings library to create the coating systems that are to be applied to various user-defined zones of the structure. These zones are identified on a schematic drawing of the structure and then the coating systems and inspection regimes that are required can be associated with these zones. Inspection tasks are then planned and scheduled using a register of inspectors and the outcomes of the inspection tasks are recorded electronically so that the data to compile final report on the coating processes is collected in a managed way. This paper describes the structure of the software and illustrates how inspection data is transferred electronically to the system using both wireless gauge technology and visual comparison systems. Examples of actual inspection tasks will be presented to illustrate how the system is used.

A new software system has been developed to allow a plan to be created for the inspection tasks associated with the coating processes for a steel structure. This system uses a coatings library to create the coating systems that are to be applied to various user-defined zones of the structure. These zones are identified on a schematic drawing of the structure and then the coating systems and inspection regimes that are required can be associated with these zones. Inspection tasks are then planned and scheduled using a register of inspectors and the outcomes of the inspection tasks are recorded electronically so that the data to compile final report on the coating processes is collected in a managed way. This paper describes the structure of the software and illustrates how inspection data is transferred electronically to the system using both wireless gauge technology and visual comparison systems. Examples of actual inspection tasks will be presented to illustrate how the system is used.

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Product Number: 51300-00611-SG
ISBN: 00611 2000 CP
Picture for Corrosion Data Management Using 3D Visualisation and a Digital Twin
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Corrosion Data Management Using 3D Visualisation and a Digital Twin

Product Number: 51320-14535-SG
Author: Robert Adey, Cristina Peratta, John Baynham
Publication Date: 2020

There is a gap between the Integrity management systems used by companies to manage their assets and the needs of the CP engineer. Integrity management systems do not fully meet the needs of the engineer responsible for corrosion as they do not provide access and visualizations of all the data the engineer needs to make fast and informed decisions. There is also often no easy way to see the trends in the data, or easily access the relevant video and photographic data also recorded during the survey.

Data from surveys is normally contained in reports and EXCEL spreadsheets often with different measurement locations and inconsistent naming of the locations between reports. In this paper a system is introduced which enables engineers to manage and visualise in 3D CP survey data and provide access to all the relevant information through a 3D visual interface to any member of the teams. The software gives the engineer the ability to visualize in 3D the historical and predicted CP protection on the structure and the status of the anodes in the CP system. It also provides information on long term trends in the survey data.

By integrating the corrosion data with a simulation model a “digital twin” of the structure can be created to make predictions of the present and future protection of all parts of the structure. For example the engineer can easily use the software to systematically monitor the differences between the model predictions and survey data to identify anomalies and give early identification of problems which will require action.

The paper will describe the system developed and present applications of both the 3D corrosion data visualisation and the simulation based digital twin