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51315-5422-Determining Reliable Domain for 13CR Martensitic Stainless Steel Downhole Tubular in Sour Environment and Revisiting NACE MR-0175/ISO 15156 Limits

Product Number: 51315-5422-SG
ISBN: 5422 2015 CP
Author: Goutam Ghosh
Publication Date: 2015
DETERMINING RELIABLE OPERATING DOMAIN FOR 13CR MARTENSITICSTAINLESS STEEL AS DOWNHOLE TUBULAR IN SOUR ENVIRONMENT ANDREVISITING ANSI / NACE MR0175 / ISO15156 LIMITS‘Conventional’ 13%-Chrome Martensitic Stainless Steel (13Cr MSS) has been in usefor oil country tubular goods (OCTG) in downhole tubular application in sour servicebut selectively as it has suffered unexpected cracking in some cases. Accordinglyrestrictive sour service environment has been recommended in material selection &application of 13%Cr tubular in standard e.g. ANSI/NACE MR0175 / ISO15156.However variables & limits of the variables responsible for cracking of 13-Cr MSS insour service still appear not exhaustively defined. Accordingly sometimes operatingcompanies devise and follow their own restrictive criteria to select 13Cr MSS fordownhole tubular in sour production environment including selection ofmanufacturers.Recently a material qualification program was taken up for Zakum DevelopmentCompany (ZADCO Abu Dhabi UAE) for use of 13Cr MSS as downhole tubular insour environment and unexpected failures have been observed in testing. This alsocalls for need to revisit limits mentioned in ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 forapplication of 13Cr MSS as downhole tubular components in sour environment.The current paper details the test program that was followed and evaluation of thetest results to define a further reliable domain for use of 13Cr MSS in sour service asdownhole tubular including need to revisit limits indicated in ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.It may be worthwhile to mention that 3%Cr steel was also tested to verify potentialapplication in similar sour environment which has also been briefly described in thecurrent technical paper.Keywords:- Downhole tubular Oil Company Tubular Goods (OCTG) MartensiticStainless Steel (MSS) Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Hydrogen Stress Cracking(HSC) Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Actual Yield Stress (AYS)
DETERMINING RELIABLE OPERATING DOMAIN FOR 13CR MARTENSITICSTAINLESS STEEL AS DOWNHOLE TUBULAR IN SOUR ENVIRONMENT ANDREVISITING ANSI / NACE MR0175 / ISO15156 LIMITS‘Conventional’ 13%-Chrome Martensitic Stainless Steel (13Cr MSS) has been in usefor oil country tubular goods (OCTG) in downhole tubular application in sour servicebut selectively as it has suffered unexpected cracking in some cases. Accordinglyrestrictive sour service environment has been recommended in material selection &application of 13%Cr tubular in standard e.g. ANSI/NACE MR0175 / ISO15156.However variables & limits of the variables responsible for cracking of 13-Cr MSS insour service still appear not exhaustively defined. Accordingly sometimes operatingcompanies devise and follow their own restrictive criteria to select 13Cr MSS fordownhole tubular in sour production environment including selection ofmanufacturers.Recently a material qualification program was taken up for Zakum DevelopmentCompany (ZADCO Abu Dhabi UAE) for use of 13Cr MSS as downhole tubular insour environment and unexpected failures have been observed in testing. This alsocalls for need to revisit limits mentioned in ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 forapplication of 13Cr MSS as downhole tubular components in sour environment.The current paper details the test program that was followed and evaluation of thetest results to define a further reliable domain for use of 13Cr MSS in sour service asdownhole tubular including need to revisit limits indicated in ANSI/NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.It may be worthwhile to mention that 3%Cr steel was also tested to verify potentialapplication in similar sour environment which has also been briefly described in thecurrent technical paper.Keywords:- Downhole tubular Oil Company Tubular Goods (OCTG) MartensiticStainless Steel (MSS) Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Hydrogen Stress Cracking(HSC) Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Actual Yield Stress (AYS)
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