With increasing environmental awareness come demands for processing of brines that remain after processing. Therefore stainless steels steel is put under new demands as it is used in increasingly demanding brine environments. The risk for corrosion in brines is associated with the chloride content temperature pH and oxygen level. This paper aims to explore the corrosion resistance of some stainless steels in highly concentrated chloride solutions.The resistance to localized corrosion of stainless steels in highly concentrated (100 000 ppm) and near saturated sodium chloride solutions was investigated at 90°C. The effects of chloride content oxygen content and solution pH were studied on test coupons with and without welds and on U-bend specimens. Evaluation was performed for pitting and crevice corrosion and also stress corrosion cracking. Long term exposures (> 1300 hours) were combined with electrochemical measurements such as cyclic polaraisation and potentiostatic determination of the critical pitting temperature (CPT). Investigated materials included duplex (S32205) superduplex (S32750) as well as 6Mo (S31254 and S34565) and 7Mo (S32654) superaustentic stainless steels.