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Corrosion of Stainless Steel Alloys in Fresh Water Simulating Condensed Water in Contact with Supercritical CO2- An Electrochemical Study

There has been a recent and significant surge in projects for injection of supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2) into saline reservoirs due to enhanced financial incentives. This has created a rush to permit projects without the necessary data to make informed decisions regarding the corrosion resistance of materials for well completions. Of urgent need is a better understanding of the corrosion performance of alloys for injection tubing and well equipment exposed to the injectate above the saline aquifer contact zone. An electrochemical study was performed to simulate contact of SC-CO2 containing some impurities with fresh water consistent with water condensing from the CO2 phase. The simulated condition represents a pH of 3 typical of water in contact with CO2 at greater than 73.8 bar and 31oC. A range of alloys were tested, including 13Cr, 17Cr, 22Cr, and others. Weight loss corrosion and pitting attacks were measured. The results of this study can be used for life prediction only in the cases where there is no localized corrosion to support material selection decisions for well equipment based on upsets and well shut-in during the life of SC-CO2 injection.
Product Number: 51324-20621-SG
Author: Suresh Divi; Bruce Craig; Adam Rowe
Publication Date: 2024