
51313-02836-A Review of the Liquid Air Interface Corrosion Study of Carbon Steel in Hanford Waste Simulants

Product Number: 51313-02836-SG
ISBN: 02836 2013 CP
Author: Hongbo Cong
Publication Date: 2013

The Hanford reservation contains approximately 50 million gallons of liquid legacy radioactive waste that is stored in 177 underground tanks made of carbon steel. There is concern that tank integrity may have been or may become compromised given the continuous changes in chemistry and the currently estimated 2025+ possible time horizon anticipated for tank storage of existing waste. Laboratory testing has been performed to evaluate the potential threats of pitting corrosion stress corrosion cracking and liquid air interface corrosion using various diagnostic electrochemical methods. This helps better understand the degradation mechanism related to nuclear waste storage and therefore better define mitigation strategies.

The Hanford reservation contains approximately 50 million gallons of liquid legacy radioactive waste that is stored in 177 underground tanks made of carbon steel. There is concern that tank integrity may have been or may become compromised given the continuous changes in chemistry and the currently estimated 2025+ possible time horizon anticipated for tank storage of existing waste. Laboratory testing has been performed to evaluate the potential threats of pitting corrosion stress corrosion cracking and liquid air interface corrosion using various diagnostic electrochemical methods. This helps better understand the degradation mechanism related to nuclear waste storage and therefore better define mitigation strategies.

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