The greater the number and closeness of V.H.V. electrical lines and Very High Speed trains, the greater the AC corrosion risk, which was until now considered less dangerous than stray current corrosion. Several specific cases of corrosion were observed on external gas structures. On-site and laboratory experiments were conducted on steel pipelines cathodically protected and influenced by alternating currents to confirm that these specific cases of corrosion were cases of AC corrosion.
Measurements of DC and AC currents, coupon-to-soil potentials and AC voltage were carried out for several months. Specific characteristics, evaluation of risk and prevention of AC corrosion were then defined. The paper will show the method used to demonstrate the existence of cases of AC corrosion using conclusions of results and of observations of on-site and in-lab experiments, and then will specify the evaluation and prevention measures of AC corrosion risks.
Key words: Steel polyethylene coated gas pipeline, cathodic protection, AC corrosion, characteristics, evaluationof risk, safety measures