
11103 Environmental Cracking Performance of Super Martensitic Stainless Steels13Cr in High Chloride Reservoir Fluids Containing H2S/CO2

Product Number: 51300-11103-SG
ISBN: 11103 2011 CP
Author: Roberto Morana , Eugenio Lo Piccolo , Lucrezia Scoppio , Perry Ian Nice
Publication Date: 2011
Within the Oil & Gas industry high strength tubing alloys category 13-5-2, group 1 steels are typically used in HPHT fields containing CO2 and small amount of H2S. The alloy application limits have not been fully defined with respect to parameters such as chloride concentration, pH, temperature and H2S partial pressure. These parameters influence both localized corrosion resistance and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) susceptibility.

The present work has been aimed at evaluating the SCC resistance of Alloy UNS S41426 grade 110 ksi (tubular).

The following environmental resistance topics are addressed:
  • Influence of load applied;
  • Definition of working window in terms of temperature;
  • Influence of brine composition;
  • Test duration (1 month versus long term 3 months tests): evolution of crack initiation sites of a few microns observed after 1 month of exposure.
Furthermore, tubing steel performances have been compared with forged bar UNS S41425 grade 110 ksi, for selected cases.

Key words: super martensitic stainless steel, SCC, chlorides, pH, H2S, CO2.
Within the Oil & Gas industry high strength tubing alloys category 13-5-2, group 1 steels are typically used in HPHT fields containing CO2 and small amount of H2S. The alloy application limits have not been fully defined with respect to parameters such as chloride concentration, pH, temperature and H2S partial pressure. These parameters influence both localized corrosion resistance and Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) susceptibility.

The present work has been aimed at evaluating the SCC resistance of Alloy UNS S41426 grade 110 ksi (tubular).

The following environmental resistance topics are addressed:
  • Influence of load applied;
  • Definition of working window in terms of temperature;
  • Influence of brine composition;
  • Test duration (1 month versus long term 3 months tests): evolution of crack initiation sites of a few microns observed after 1 month of exposure.
Furthermore, tubing steel performances have been compared with forged bar UNS S41425 grade 110 ksi, for selected cases.

Key words: super martensitic stainless steel, SCC, chlorides, pH, H2S, CO2.
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