Third generation THPS formulations utilize polymeric, non-foaming potentiators to provide
all-round performance enhancement in oilfield water systems. The use of such products can
result in reduced microbially influenced corrosion, better control of souring, increased
productivity and reinjectivity and enhanced separation.
This paper reviews the latest laboratory work to define the performance envelope for such
products, introduces new concepts of using such products to treat oilfield water systems and
offers guidance on best industrial practices for dosing THPS based products to optimize
Keywords: THPS, Tetrakishydroxymethyl phosphonium sulfate, SRB, sulfate reducing
bacteria, SRP, sulfate reducing prokaryotes, reservoir souring, MIC, microbially influenced
corrosion, sessile, planktonic, biofilm, iron sulfide, schmoo, sulfur isotope ratio analysis, SIRA