Soil seasonal change is believed to be one of the major factors that contribute to pipeline high pH
stress corrosion cracking (SCC), although the specific role and mechanisms of the soil seasonal change
in the pipeline high pH SCC susceptibility are not clearly understood. This study is aimed at
investigating this role and the mechanisms of the soil seasonal change through mathematical modeling.
The temporal and spatial variation, with soil seasonal change, of the solution chemistry and the pipe
steel potential and corrosion rate in a coating disbonded region is explored. With the pipe potential at the
holiday varied by soil seasonal wet and dry cycles, the model results suggest that the susceptible
conditions of high pH SCC could be formed during soil wet seasons and seasonal transitions.
Depending on the level of drought and the effectiveness of cathodic protection (CP) during dry seasons,
the susceptible conditions of the pipe high pH SCC may or may not be possible to form.
Keywords: stress corrosion cracking, pipeline, cathodic protection, seasonal change, modeling