
08583 Cathodic Capacity of Alloy 22 in the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository Enviornment

Product Number: 51300-08583-SG
ISBN: 08583 2008 CP
Author: Pavan Shukla, Roberto Pabalan, Tae Ahn, Boffardi Bennett, Xihua He, and Andy Jung
Publication Date: 2008
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has indicated that it may use Alloy 22 as the waste package outer container material for the potential high-level waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Longterm corrosion performance of Alloy 22 is key to containment of radionuclides within the potential repository. Even though Alloy 22 exhibits high corrosion resistance in many environments, it could be susceptible to localized corrosion when exposed to either saturated solutions formed by dust deliquescence or seepage water brines at elevated temperatures. Localized corrosion in the form of crevice corrosion could persist if certain environmental and electrochemical conditions prevail in the repository drift environment. A one-dimensional physico-chemical analytical model has been developed to evaluate the effect of brine quantity and electrochemical conditions on the localized corrosion process. The model is then used to estimate the electrochemical conditions necessary for sustained propagation of localized corrosion at a given crevice site.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has indicated that it may use Alloy 22 as the waste package outer container material for the potential high-level waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Longterm corrosion performance of Alloy 22 is key to containment of radionuclides within the potential repository. Even though Alloy 22 exhibits high corrosion resistance in many environments, it could be susceptible to localized corrosion when exposed to either saturated solutions formed by dust deliquescence or seepage water brines at elevated temperatures. Localized corrosion in the form of crevice corrosion could persist if certain environmental and electrochemical conditions prevail in the repository drift environment. A one-dimensional physico-chemical analytical model has been developed to evaluate the effect of brine quantity and electrochemical conditions on the localized corrosion process. The model is then used to estimate the electrochemical conditions necessary for sustained propagation of localized corrosion at a given crevice site.
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