
08527 Managing Corrosion Challenges in Gas Plants with Nonmetallic Composites

Product Number: 51300-08527-SG
ISBN: 08527 2008 CP
Author: Mohamed A. Saleem and Abdulwahab A. Hulaibi
Publication Date: 2008
Oil, gas and petrochemical industries have critical process equipment that experienced deterioration to varying degrees due to several factors. The options widely utilized to address these concerns include conventional repair, replacement or upgrade. However, these options are often expensive and require long shutdown time for repair. Non-metallic composite materials can be utilized as one of the most cost effective option to restore the integrity of these equipment within a short duration. This option not only helps to maximize the non-metallic enrichment within the operating plants, but also promote opportunities for creating additional petrochemical industries.
Oil, gas and petrochemical industries have critical process equipment that experienced deterioration to varying degrees due to several factors. The options widely utilized to address these concerns include conventional repair, replacement or upgrade. However, these options are often expensive and require long shutdown time for repair. Non-metallic composite materials can be utilized as one of the most cost effective option to restore the integrity of these equipment within a short duration. This option not only helps to maximize the non-metallic enrichment within the operating plants, but also promote opportunities for creating additional petrochemical industries.
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