
08131 Facilitating Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment using Advanced Flow and Corrosion Prediction Models

Product Number: 51300-08131-SG
ISBN: 08131 2008 CP
Author: Vishal Lagad, Sridhar Srinivasan, and Russell D. Kane
Publication Date: 2008
Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) is a process used to evaluate pipeline integrity based on identifying locations along the pipeline where internal corrosion damage is most likely to occur. Liquid Petroleum Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (LP-ICDA) is designed to address pipelines that are fully packed with a liquid phase and Wet Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (WG-ICDA) is being targeted towards wet gas pipelines much like Dry Gas ICDA (DG-ICDA) has been developed to address normally dry gas transmission pipelines. The four step ICDA process requires integration of pre-assessment, indirect inspection data and detailed examination data to determine overall pipeline integrity. The prioritization of critical locations along a pipeline forms a major part of this process and includes flow modeling, flow-regime predictions, characterizing the environment and developing a pipeline profile identifying the critical locations most susceptible to internal corrosion.
Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA) is a process used to evaluate pipeline integrity based on identifying locations along the pipeline where internal corrosion damage is most likely to occur. Liquid Petroleum Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (LP-ICDA) is designed to address pipelines that are fully packed with a liquid phase and Wet Gas Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (WG-ICDA) is being targeted towards wet gas pipelines much like Dry Gas ICDA (DG-ICDA) has been developed to address normally dry gas transmission pipelines. The four step ICDA process requires integration of pre-assessment, indirect inspection data and detailed examination data to determine overall pipeline integrity. The prioritization of critical locations along a pipeline forms a major part of this process and includes flow modeling, flow-regime predictions, characterizing the environment and developing a pipeline profile identifying the critical locations most susceptible to internal corrosion.
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