
07693 High Performance Batch Treating Corrosion Inhibitor

Product Number: 51300-07693-SG
ISBN: 07693 2007 CP
Author: Jiang Yang, Vladimir Jovancicevic, and Sebastian Mancuso
Publication Date: 2007
A new high performance corrosion inhibitor was developed for oil and gas field batch treatment applications. The performance of the new corrosion inhibitor was enhanced by its superior dispersion properties. Laboratory corrosion inhibition and film coverage tests showed that new corrosion inhibitor provides better corrosion inhibition than conventional corrosion inhibitor. The new corrosion inhibitor exhibited improved partitioning into water phase due to its more stable dispersion in aqueous phase. The higher dispersibility is an indication of improved field performance. It was verified in the field test that this new inhibitor provided significantly better performance than conventional batch corrosion inhibitors.
A new high performance corrosion inhibitor was developed for oil and gas field batch treatment applications. The performance of the new corrosion inhibitor was enhanced by its superior dispersion properties. Laboratory corrosion inhibition and film coverage tests showed that new corrosion inhibitor provides better corrosion inhibition than conventional corrosion inhibitor. The new corrosion inhibitor exhibited improved partitioning into water phase due to its more stable dispersion in aqueous phase. The higher dispersibility is an indication of improved field performance. It was verified in the field test that this new inhibitor provided significantly better performance than conventional batch corrosion inhibitors.
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