Telluric currents produce variations in pipe-to-soil potential (PSP) that take the pipeline outside the
voltage range for cathodic protection and interfere with potential surveys. The size of the PSP
variation depends on a variety of factors related both to the natural environment and the
characteristics of the pipeline itself. This paper presents a methodology for assessing how different
pipeline features influence the vulnerability of the pipeline to telluric effects. Derivation of the
distributed-source transmission line (DSTL) equations for induction in a pipeline show that the
critical parameters are the series impedance of the pipeline steel and the parallel conductance to
ground through the pipeline coating. Large PSP variations occur where there is a disruption in the
flow of telluric currents along the pipeline, such as happens at the end of the pipeline, at flanges, at
bends, and changes in pipeline characteristics. A series of plots are presented showing the
dependence of PSP variations on coating conductance, changes in series impedance and bends in
the pipeline. Also examined are how the PSP variations are modified when overlapping effects
occur. Finally, the paper considers the effect of various mitigation strategies and presents model
results of the reduction in PSP variations that can be achieved.