Material selection for corrosive chemical services should be based on life cycle cost for the plant equipment. Often corrosion resistant alloys and non-metallic materials have suitable corrosion resistance for a given application. Equipment design, fabrication, operating, maintenance and salvage expenses are essential elements in life cycle costs calculations. The risks associated with equipment operation, maintenance, inspections and salvage expenses are frequently neglected in calculating life cycle costs yet they often are the major portion of total life cycle costs. Risks arising from maintenance, inspection and salvage actions are different for equipment constructed of non-metallic materials of construction than those constructed of corrosion resistant alloys; these differences that affect life cycle costs are discussed.
Key words: Corrosion resistant alloys, non-metallic materials, mechanical properties, electrostatic discharge, coatings, linings, glass, glass lined, brick linings, carbon & graphite, fiber reinforced plastic, thermoplastic, wood, thermo set plastic, thermoplastic, elastomers