
05309 Field Investigation of Various Weld Overlays in a Waste Incineration Plant

A test waterwall was fabricated so that alternatives to alloy 625 could be exposed in the first pass of the waste incineration plant Haderslev. The chemical environment from the waste incineration was also monitored by analyzing deposits and corrosion products from various locations in the boiler. 

Product Number: 51300-05309-SG
ISBN: 05309 2005 CP
Author: Melanie Montgomery, Technical University of Denmark; Ole Hede Larsen, Elsam Engineering
Publication Date: 2005

A test waterwall was fabricated so that alternatives to alloy 625 could be exposed in the first pass of the waste incineration plant Haderslev. The difference between application method was also a parameter, such that manual welding, machine welding and arc spray coating of alloy 625 were compared. In addition to the test waterwall exposure, the chemical environment from the waste incineration was also monitored by analyzing deposits and corrosion products from various locations in the boiler. These were analyzed with respect to morphology and composition using electron microscopy with EDS analysis. Based on these results it was detected that the aggressive environment had changed during the exposure period which made direct comparison difficult between alloys that had been exposed the first year and those exposed for the second year. However, all candidate alloys could be compared with alloy 625 which was present in every test panel. It was observed that all the weld overlay test sections behaved similar to machined alloy 625 in that there was general corrosion and pitting corrosion. In addition, alloy 622 also exhibited preferential corrosion with respect to its dendrite structure.

 Keywords: waste incineration, corrosion, molten salts, weld overlay, alloy 625, alloy 622, alloy 686

A test waterwall was fabricated so that alternatives to alloy 625 could be exposed in the first pass of the waste incineration plant Haderslev. The difference between application method was also a parameter, such that manual welding, machine welding and arc spray coating of alloy 625 were compared. In addition to the test waterwall exposure, the chemical environment from the waste incineration was also monitored by analyzing deposits and corrosion products from various locations in the boiler. These were analyzed with respect to morphology and composition using electron microscopy with EDS analysis. Based on these results it was detected that the aggressive environment had changed during the exposure period which made direct comparison difficult between alloys that had been exposed the first year and those exposed for the second year. However, all candidate alloys could be compared with alloy 625 which was present in every test panel. It was observed that all the weld overlay test sections behaved similar to machined alloy 625 in that there was general corrosion and pitting corrosion. In addition, alloy 622 also exhibited preferential corrosion with respect to its dendrite structure.

 Keywords: waste incineration, corrosion, molten salts, weld overlay, alloy 625, alloy 622, alloy 686

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