New methods for monitoring scale and corrosion inhibiting water treatment programs have been developed. These methods utilize two new generations of fluorescence monitoring/control equipment
that represent significant advancements in this area and include a variety of fluorescence techniques to measure treatment actives.
System consumption of actives is defined as the difference between amount of actives added and remaining in the system. Consumption measurements determine changes in the actual operating system
(not a simulated, small portion of the system). Changes in consumption of inhibitors and dispersants can be related to system operating conditions and performance. Reducing consumption of actives or
maintaining consumption within a specified range can help optimize operation of the cooling system and treatment program.
A series of four case histories are presented that demonstrate the ability of these concepts to serve as problem-solving tools and on-line monitoring/control techniques. The ability to improve performance of customer systems and prevent recurrence of operating problems are also demonstrated.
Keywords: scale inhibition, corrosion inhibition, fluorescence, tracers, dosage control, solid-state fluorometer, treatment actives, consumption, system demand, xenon flashlamp fluorometer, system performance