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Cases where alkaline-carbonate stress corrosion cracking (ACSCC) occurred, including a cold wall Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) Unit regenerator and a mercaptan oxidation unit. This paper discusses work done to monitor on-going ACSCC risks through sour water sampling, chemical analysis, and ionic modeling.
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A computational approach to assess the sensitization propensities of titanium and niobium stabilized stainless steels was investigated.
This paper describes the cracking failure of a UNS S30403 (304L) stainless steel 72% heavy black liquor storage tank at a Canadian bleached kraft pulp mill.
Slow strain rate tests were conducted to study the SCC behavior of plain and welded UNS K02700 grade mild steel exposed to an artificial concrete pore water solution. Tests were performed under anoxic conditions at 140°C, a constant strain rate of 5 × 10-7 s-1 and open circuit potential.
This work investigates unexpected leaks observed on several cracked admiralty brass tubes that failed after 7 years in operation. Both metallurgical and molecular microbiological methods were used to understand the root cause of these failures.
A series of NACE TM0177 Tensile Test Method A tests were conducted on various commercially available chromium-manganese austenitic stainless steels as well as 17-4PH in the 110ksi-to-130ksi yield strength range (34 - 35 HRC max).
This paper describes the development of an alternative heat treatment designed to increase the strength of 718 (UNS N07718) above the current level, which is bound by the 40 HRC limit of NACE MR01751 and the heat treatment requirements of API 6ACRA.
Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is currently stored in stainless steel dry storage canisters (DSCs) contained within concrete cask systems with passive ambient air cooling. These systems are emplaced, either horizontally or vertically, at independent spent fuel storage installations (ISFSIs), located at utility reactor sites. The ambient air introduces moisture, aerosolized salt particles, and dust to the canister surfaces. The composition of the aerosols depends on geographical factors, such as proximity to the ocean,industrial area, rural areas, and transportation corridors that use road salt for winterization.
Pipelines have been considered one of the safest methods of transporting energy from one place to another. This is achieved through a systematically planned, documented, and comprehensive pipeline integrity management (PIM) program. PIM covers areas such as engineering, operations, inspections and maintenance, health and safety, and environment protection.
Understanding and mitigating stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in stainless steels used in light water reactors is important, and experimental efforts to characterize this behavior have been performed over the last several decades. While SCC growth has been shown to follow an Arrhenius temperature functionality, a departure from this functionality has been observed due to high temperature SCC growth rate retardation (HTR). This paper characterizes observed trends between different cold work levels and temperature effects on cracking behavior and crack tip morphologies in 304 stainless steel.
Corrosion is one of the major issues in oil and gas production, as well as geothermal energy due to the aggressive environments, such as high temperatures and pressures.1, 2 Material selection for downhole tubing is therefore paramount importance to ensure well integrity. Thus, the selected materials must be corrosion resistant, cost-effective, reliable, and have the required strength for such arduous conditions.
Super martensitic stainless steel (13Cr-5Ni-2Mo) provides high strength and CO2 resistance. It can be used at high temperature up to 180°C/356°F in high chloride environment. When the well temperature is above 180°C/356°F, Duplex grades 22-5-3 or Super Duplex 25-7-4 grades are commonly selected as per API 5CRA standard. A new proprietary grade chemistry has been developed to provide improved strength up to 125ksi and higher pitting resistance while maintaining a tempered martensitic microstructure with low delta ferrite content and no detrimental phases or precipitates. Improvement of pitting resistance has been assessed through cyclic polarization curves. Higher sulfide stress cracking (SSC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) were assessed through NACE(1) TM 0177 method A 1 at ambient and high temperature. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) characterizations provide deep knowledge about passive film compositions underlining the beneficial effect of higher Mo within the grade. This paper presents the benefit of the improved chemistry on sweet corrosion and sulfide stress cracking in severe downhole environment. It summarizes the effect of different parameters in both production and shut-in conditions to be considered to select cost effective material.