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A new wrought alloy has been developed for use as furnace tubes in ethylene pyrolysis plants. This alloy has an excellent carburization resistance due to uniform formation of protective Al2O3 oxide scale on the metal surface. Laboratory corrosion tests have been carried out to evaluate carburization resistance of the developed alloy.
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This paper summarizes the Top Ten corrosion issues and examines the controlling factors that affect damage including the effects of operating parameters. Best industry practices used to monitor for problems and to inspect for damage are discussed.
Alloy tubes used in petrochemical processing reactor systems are often subjected to oxidizing conditions in high temperature steam such as during de-coking cycles. A new class of heat resistant austenitic cast alloys are being developed that are designed to form protective oxides of alumina.
Corrosion and wear resistance has always been among the highly important parameters forequipment and piping in oil and gas facilities. The corrosion is considered as the deteriorationof materials as a result of electrochemical reaction with surrounding environment or containedservice. Wear is defined as the removal and deformation of material due to mechanicalinteraction between two or more objects. Increased demand for surface protection and reducedoperative costs touts for protective coatings with improved mechanical, electrochemical, andtribological properties.
It is well known in the hot rolled steel making business that nonmetallic inclusions play criticalrole in defining steel performance. The objective of this paper is to study laminations that weredetected via Phased Array UT system in X60MS Class-C High Frequency Welded Pipe intended foroffshore application. The linear intermittent laminations appear along the pipe and adjacent tothe weld seam from both sides at a width of 30 to 40 mm with various depths. Technical reviewwas carried out on 5 available pipes, pertaining to the same heat of the original pipe identifiedearlier with lamination, through model experiments; both on the laboratory and on the industrialscale. At the beginning, depth and distribution of detected laminations were analyzed by manualUT mapping using normal beam probe. Metallurgical analysis via Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX)was carried out on three samples to determine the chemical composition as well as themorphology of the lamination. The type of inclusion which turned out to be type B (Alumina-Al2O3) inclusion was identified by evaluating EDX results using Method A per ASTM E45. As it isa pure material based incident, failure analysis was carried out by the steel maker to identify theassociated root causes from process control prospective and the appropriate preventivemeasures to avoid reoccurrence. Eventually, the applied quality control measures duringmanufacturing process of HFW pipes, represented in the deployment of UT systems, werereviewed to identify the reason behind missing such important defect before pipes are beingshipped to the client.