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Picture for Role of Non-Metallic Inclusions and the Microstructure Constituents on HIC Performance
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Role of Non-Metallic Inclusions and the Microstructure Constituents on HIC Performance

Product Number: MPWT19-14439
Author: Amro Al-Hattab1,Diaa Elsanosy2, Gaurav Tomer3, Abdullah Al-Jarbou4
Publication Date: 2019

With increasing oil & gas demand and depletion of sweet reserves, oil & gas companies in the regional
economies are focusing towards the exploitation of sour resources. This necessitates the use of pipelines
and down-hole tubing made from special steels with significant resistance to hydrogen-induced cracking
(HIC). These steels are produced through specific technologies for enhanced chemical composition control
and microstructural engineering to incorporate the required strength, weld ability and improved HIC
resistance. It is well established that the HIC initiates at sites with microstructural heterogeneities whether
due to presence of gross nonmetallic inclusions or the micro-structural constituents. The presence of central
segregation further aggravates the conditions particularly when the final pipe sizes require the longitudinal
slitting of the coils. Presence of non-metallic inclusions in the steel makes it vulnerable to hydrogen-induced
cracking under wet H2S environment. The mechanism of HIC begins with the generation of hydrogen atoms
by corrosion reaction of H2S and Fe in the presence of free water. The hydrogen atoms then diffuse into
steel and accumulate around the inclusions. The higher number of inclusions equates to the more sites
available for hydrogen adsorption. Recombination of hydrogen atoms to H2 molecules builds up a heavy
gas pressure in the interface between matrix and inclusions. Cracking initiates because of the tensile stress
field caused by hydrogen gas pressure and crack propagates in the surrounding steel matrix. The
longitudinal slitting exposes the internal microstructural abnormalities to the skelp edges which are then
incorporated in the thermally stressed weld zone. While the post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) mostly
homogenizes the weld zone microstructure, the presence of excessive central line features cannot be
completely removed thereby making this zone more prone to HIC attack

CorrCompilation: Advancements for Control of Inorgranic Scale, Volume 1
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CorrCompilation: Advancements for Control of Inorgranic Scale, Volume 1 (e-book)

Product Number: 37648-e
ISBN: 978-1-57590-391-0
Author: edited by Wayne W. Frenier, FNACE
Publication Date: 2019

This CorrCompilation focuses primarily on equilibrium-formed scales, where an aqueous fluid changes from an unsaturated equilibrium state to a saturated and supersaturated state and then solids may start to form. These types of fouling minerals include alkaline earth salts, silicates, alkaline salts (NaCl), sulfides, and under specific circumstances, metal sulfide salts that form through equilibrium changes. While corrosion product scales are not the subject of this book, the importance of corrosion product layers to the deposition of other scales will be described.


Since this is a CorrCompilation and more than 90 copies of NACE papers are included, the work is published in four volumes. The editor, Wayne W. Frenier, FNACE, provides an extensive introduction to each volume, offering the reader a thorough mix of history, theory, and engineering techniques and methods for addressing scale.


Volume 1: Introduction to Equipment Subject to Inorganic Scale


Volume 2: Current Mechanisms for Understanding Inorganic Scale Formation and Deposition


Volume 3: Chemistry and Application of Scale Inhibitors


Volume 4: Alternative Methods of Scale Control


This volume, “Introduction to Equipment Subject to Inorganic Scale,” describes the general types of oil and gas and industrial facilities that can be affected and frequently disabled by the formation and build-up of inorganic scale. This volume also describes many lab and field tests that are used to evaluate scaling and scale control methods.


NACE 2019 e-book

Picture for A Method for Extrapolating ISO9223 Response Functions
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A Method for Extrapolating ISO9223 Response Functions

Product Number: 51319-12834-SG
Author: Joseph Mazzella
Publication Date: 2019

Estimating corrosion growth rate is a non-linear multi-dimensional (space and time) challenge. Above-ground outdoor assets are affected by natural atmospheric factors such as climate salinity and human factors such as pollution. ISO9223 provides guidance including response functions and a classification schema (C1 thru C5) for estimating corrosion risk as a function of three variables: weather (temperature and humidity) dry deposition of sulfides and dry deposition of chlorides. Climate data is widely available but dry deposition data is either not available or very expensive to collect requiring laboratory methods. Fortunately wet deposition data for chlorides and sulfides are available and accurately reported. In this paper a method for estimating ISO9223 compliant dry deposition data using wet deposition data and other climate-based factors is presented.An approach to extrapolate all ISO9223 inputs for any location in North America using GIS algorithms is also demonstrated. This method usesinverse distance weighted (IDW) techniqueto build estimates of parameters based on geospatial interpolation and linear models for estimation of atmospheric conditions. This provides the ability to estimate ISO9223 classification schema for any latitude and longitude pairs in North America leveraging the ISO9223 methodology using more widely available data. The potential benefits are significant from optimization of coating selections and maintenance schedules to construction considerations. As a case study the model was applied for a North American pipeline operator to develop an atmospheric corrosivity map of their assets. Future work includes direct collection of on-site growth rate data and improved ISO9223 response functions incorporating additional variables such as electromagnetic interference and NO-based pollution sources.

Picture for Review of Key Factors Related to Sour Service Material Selection for HPHT Oil & Gas Production A
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Review of Key Factors Related to Sour Service Material Selection for HPHT Oil & Gas Production A

Product Number: 51319-13400-SG
Author: Jing Ning
Publication Date: 2019

Failure mechanisms manifest in Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) steels for highly sour applications are dominated by corrosion and Environmentally-Assisted Cracking (EAC). EAC of high strength low alloy carbon steels typically used in well completion has been a problem of major concern for the reliable exploitation of reservoirs that produce or condense significant amounts of water alongside dissolved CO2 and H2S. A critical issue in selecting OCTG steels that are considered suitable for sour service is selection of representative laboratory conditions of the actual High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) service environments. The issue is due to a lack of reliable sour ionic model(s) to understand non-ideal sour gas/solution behavior at HPHT conditions. Such ionic model(s) will form the foundation for designing / specifying experimental environments and lab tests to ascertain optimized H2S serviceability limits of a number of potential sour service metallic alloys.This paper provides a comprehensive review of current understanding of H2S ionic / thermodynamic modeling for HPHT applications as a precursor to predicting physical chemistry. This typically involves characterizing the role of key parameters such as H2S gas partial pressure gas fugacity aqueous chemical activity species concentrations and ionic strength. Also addressed as part of this review are evaluations of recent studies incorporating advanced thermodynamic models at HPHT conditions in evaluating EAC susceptibility of OCTG steels in sour media.The objectives of this review paper are to identify the key challenges and limitations facing the current EAC cracking limits per NACE MR0175 / ISO15156 and make recommendations for adoption of typical best practices in selecting materials for HPHT sour upstream production applications.Keywords: Hydrogen Sulfide High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Material Selection Sour Ionic / Thermodynamic Model

Picture for Underground AC Power Transmission Line Feasibility Study
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Underground AC Power Transmission Line Feasibility Study

Product Number: 51319-13034-SG
Author: Matthew Lechelt
Publication Date: 2019
Picture for Predicting Long-Term Exposure Performance of Galvanized Rebar Based on Artificial Intelligence and Electrochemical Methods
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Predicting Long-Term Exposure Performance of Galvanized Rebar Based on Artificial Intelligence and Electrochemical Methods

Product Number: 51324-21166-SG
Author: Deeparekha Narayanan; Yi Lu; Victor Ponce; Homero Castaneda
Publication Date: 2024
In this work, we carried out electrochemical studies on ASTM A615 (bare steel rebar), ASTM A767 (steel rebar with hot dip galvanized zinc coating), and ASTM A1094 (steel rebar with continuously galvanized zinc coating) rebars exposed to two different environments. In one condition, the samples were exposed to a simulated concrete pore solution (SCPS) containing 3.5 wt.% NaCl. Over a period of 12 months, the electrochemical properties of the samples were regularly assessed through open circuit potential (OCP), linear polarization resistance (LPR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on a weekly basis. In the other condition, steel rebars were embedded in concrete with water-to-cement ratio of 0.53. A controlled surface area of the cast concrete block was exposed to a 3.5 wt% NaCl solution using a dam mounted on it. This method allowed for the introduction of chlorides into the reinforced concrete while maintaining control over the exposure process. Under these conditions, the rebars were continuously monitored by carrying out OCP and EIS tests for a period of up to three years since curing. Based on the experimental results obtained, we developed a mathematical framework that combines mechanistic and machine-learning concepts for analyzing the behavior of the rebars in both conditions. EIS analysis was utilized to quantify the transports processes, activation, and interface interaction of the rebars with the corrosive environments in each condition. EIS served as tool to quantify the transports processes, activation mechanisms, and interface interaction of the rebars within corrosive environments across diverse conditions. We conducted this analysis using a Time Series Prediction (TPS) approach of several phase angle plots along 300 days of rebars in pore solution and 900 days of rebars in reinforced concrete, which leveraged recurrent neural networks techniques to predict corrosion mechanisms. This approach allowed us to learn dynamically from real-time measurements, eliminating the sole reliance on domain expertise for parameter optimization. Finally, we utilized our comprehensive experimental-theoretical framework, which integrated Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy testing, to make long-term predictions for the performance of the rebars using neural networks techniques. These predictions spanned several years and were based on rigorous analysis. To validate the accuracy and reliability of our framework, we compared the predictions with the experimental results, thereby confirming the accuracy and reliability of our predictions.
Picture for Relationship between Inhibitor Adsorption and Surfactant Properties:Critical Parameters
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Relationship between Inhibitor Adsorption and Surfactant Properties:Critical Parameters

Product Number: 51319-13245-SG
Author: Ashwini Chandra
Publication Date: 2019
Picture for Critical Review on Sulphide Scale Formation, Removal and Inhibition
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Critical Review on Sulphide Scale Formation, Removal and Inhibition

Product Number: 51320-14731-SG
Author: Bader Al-Harbi, Norah Aljeaban, Alexander Graham, Ken Sorbie
Publication Date: 2020

Sulphide scales, namely iron sulphide (FeS), zinc sulphide (ZnS) and lead sulphide (PbS), are increasingly being encountered in gas/oil wells. These scales can present serious safety concerns, impair well productivity and limit access to downhole tools. There are many published research studies addressing sulphide scale removal and inhibition. However, there is an incomplete understanding of the governing processes of sulphide scale formation and prevention. Furthermore, there are contradictory results in the literature on issues such as the removal procedures and inhibition tests for sulphide scales. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to critically review the published work on sulphide scale formation, removal and inhibition, to address the factors that control them and to discuss some of the apparent discrepancies in published experimental studies.
The review discusses the formation mechanisms of different sulphide scales in relation to the sources and levels of Fe, Zn, Pb and the sulphide species. The experimental procedures used by different researchers to evaluate sulphide scale dissolvers and inhibitors are described, along with the performance results for the chemistries tested to remove or prevent sulphide scales.
Hydrochloric acid has been shown to outperform rival chemistries for dissolving sulphide scales, however the associated high corrosion rate and H2S generation has necessitated the development of other dissolvers to overcome such drawbacks. Several dissolvers based on chelating agent chemistries combined with catalysts provided high dissolution rates, and the dissolution results and the reaction mechanisms will be discussed in some detail.

Multiple factors have been shown to play a significant role in the inhibition efficiency of sulphide scale inhibitors including pH, salinity, temperature, scale formation sequence and mechanism, and the initial concentrations of sulphide species and scaling metals. In addition, there is a developing understanding of the significance of scale inhibitor consumption in these systems.
Understanding the formation mechanism is essential for accurate interpretation of scale-related issues in the field and for providing the correct treatment strategy. A more complete knowledge of these issues will lead to the further development of reliable procedures for generating dissolution and inhibition results and consequently improving the scale dissolver and inhibitor chemistries themselves.

	Picture for Proposed Test Protocol for Evaluating Internal Coating Systems for Railcar Sour Oil Applications
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Proposed Test Protocol for Evaluating Internal Coating Systems for Railcar Sour Oil Applications

Product Number: 51324-20646-SG
Author: Amal Al-Borno; Moavin Islam; Henry Pedraza
Publication Date: 2024
Crude oil is usually transported by pipelines from the production areas to refineries. However, in North America, particularly Canada, a significant amount of crude oil is transported via specially designed railcars. The internals of the railcars are typically coated with a high-quality coating system to prevent corrosion. Still, coating failures do occur due to the unique cyclic operating service conditions of the railcars. Thus, elevated temperatures are used to reduce fluid viscosity with a resultant increase in the vapor pressure while the loading of the oil in the railcars. Once loaded, the crude is transported under ambient temperature and pressure until the railcars reach their destination. During off-loading, elevated temperatures are again used for reducing the viscosity of the oil. After emptying the contents, the railcars are allowed to return to ambient conditions and sent back to the production area to repeat the loading, transportation, unloading cycle. Currently, there is no established test protocol to evaluate candidate coating systems for railcar internals under simulated operating conditions. Testing is usually done under a single set of operating conditions of loading or unloading and does not include the synergistic effect of the different temperature variations. This paper presents a detailed test protocol for evaluating candidate coating systems for railcar internals. The proposed test protocol was designed to simulate the expected service conditions of railcars using a modified NACE TM0185-2006 test procedure, “Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing”. The modification includes the cyclic service condition of railcars – fuel loading, loaded transportation, off-loading, dry heat and empty transportation.
Driving Higher Performance with Ultra-high Solids Epoxy Systems for Long-term Asset Protection
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Driving Higher Performance with Ultra-high Solids Epoxy Systems for Long-term Asset Protection

Product Number: 51218-162-SG
Author: Daniel Totev
Publication Date: 2018

Epoxy coatings have a long and successful track record in marine and protective coatings, due to the combined offerings of excellent corrosion and chemical resistance. As regional environmental drivers become firmly established, the industry is faced with the constant challenge of providing solutions which can comply with emerging VOC regulations. There is a continuous trend to move the technology from the so-called conventional paint to high solids coatings, and more recently, to ultra-high solids coatings [1]. At the same time the overall performance attributes associated with high performance epoxy systems need to be either maintained or improved depending on specific industrial application needs. Many current high solids epoxy systems use non-reactive plasticizers such as benzyl alcohol or alkyl phenols to enable full chemical conversion of the polymer matrix. While this approach allows for reduced solvent demand, such products do not always address the market need for extended service life. The use of fugitive plasticizers can cause the coating to lose its flexibility over time as the plasticizer leaches out. In order to address this, a different plasticization approach to lower solvent requirement and ensure complete cure is needed. This paper will review the basics of high solids epoxy coatings compared to conventional epoxy technologies and describe the fundamental technical differences. It will also present new versatile amine curing agent technology that offers solutions to develop coatings compliant with stringent emission test accreditation, and at the same time, addresses many of the technical challenges associated with high solids systems. Furthermore, the absence of nonreactive plasticizers facilitates long-term conservation of the mechanical properties of the coating, and hence, helps deliver long-term asset protection.

Picture for Root Cause Analysis of a 30-inch Water Concrete Reinforced Pipe Rupture
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Root Cause Analysis of a 30-inch Water Concrete Reinforced Pipe Rupture

Product Number: 51319-13060-SG
Author: Alejandrino Ruiz Alvarez
Publication Date: 2019

With over 7 decades of wide scale use of concrete reinforced pipe within infrastructure and water utilities in the United States the overall experience has generally been good. However intermittently problems can recur and drastically affect its performance. One such high profile and never the less recurring problem associated with concrete reinforced pipe has been discussed in this paper.In 2012 a rupture occurred on a 30-inch concrete reinforced water main pipe in the Northeastern United States. The 30-inch water main is a prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP). PCCP is a composite pipe material mainly composed of concrete (concrete core) steel cylinder (or steel liner) mortar/concrete coating and prestressed/high-tension wires wrapped around the steel cylinder which is outside of concrete core.Penspen Corporation Houston were contracted by the water main operator to carry out an independent diagnostic Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to determine the probable physical root cause(s) of the concrete reinforced pipe rupture and subsequent functional failure of the water pipe at the failure location and to identify the contributing failure factors.A detailed laboratory program for concrete and steel (wire and sleeve) specimens from both the immediate location of the rupture and locations away from the rupture for testing and comparison was recommended. The tests recommended included: visual inspection comprehensive metallurgical analysis of the material steel properties testing and concrete petrographic analysis.Laboratory test results revealed unusual anomalous corrosion pattern that occurred near the sleeve. The results indicated that the corrosion to the sleeve and wires at the rupture location occurred primarily to the outside surface of the sleeve/wire construct. That is only minor corrosion was noted on the inside surface of the sleeve even near the rupture location. This suggests that the thick outer mortar layer of the pressure pipe had been structurally compromised at some time during its life and ground water had permeated onto the steel sleeve and wire. The test results also showed that the chlorine level was as high as 4.1 weight percent on the corroded wires and 3.0 weight percent on the corroded sleeve. These levels are alarmingly high and far above the levels normally found in soils and therefore they support the fact that crevice corrosion attack occurred over a long time upon the outer surfaces of the sleeve and high strength wires.Following a deductive-inductive analysis the hypothesis “Soil with high dissolved salts (mainly Chlorides)” was identified as the most probable intermediate physical root cause based on evidence obtained and laboratory testing results for this RCA.This paper provides an overview adopted methodology analysis results interpretation for the different stages of this root cause analysis key findings with a discussion of the contributing failure factors and key recommendations to be considered with same service PCCP and external environment.