
Mitigation of Crude Lines Leaks at Upstream Facilities

Product Number: 51313-02027-SG
ISBN: 02027 2013 CP
Author: Mohammed Al-Barout
Publication Date: 2013

The objective of this paper is to give an over view assessment for mitigation of crude lines leaks at upstream facilities to a proper design that addresses internal corrosion protection safety aspects as a result of hydrocarbon leaks and meets industrial requirements in one of Saudi Aramco facilities.
The ultimate goal of this study is to have all crude piping networks suitable for the current throughput fulfilling the challenges of maturity of the field and protected against corrosive environment in order to mitigate hydrocarbon leak risks to populated areas and sustain the production avails in a timely manner.
Several crude lines were evaluated in this study. Criteria were developed for pipe integrity and safety assessment with various upgrade options which includes replacement rehabilitation and conducting Inline Instrument (ILI) scraping. Furthermore a database established for all required information to apply the criteria utilizing decision matrix approach; applying the criteria required around 50000 data entries. Additionally the study capitalized on latest corrosion rate simulator MULTICORP software developed through Joint Industry Project (JIP) with the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology (ICMT) Ohio University USA. This software was validated by actual data obtained from the Invista instrument scraping technology and found matching results.
Finally the study utilizes a decision matrix approach based on the established integrity and safety criteria and identified with conclusion lines to be replaced rehabilitated or inspected.

The objective of this paper is to give an over view assessment for mitigation of crude lines leaks at upstream facilities to a proper design that addresses internal corrosion protection safety aspects as a result of hydrocarbon leaks and meets industrial requirements in one of Saudi Aramco facilities.
The ultimate goal of this study is to have all crude piping networks suitable for the current throughput fulfilling the challenges of maturity of the field and protected against corrosive environment in order to mitigate hydrocarbon leak risks to populated areas and sustain the production avails in a timely manner.
Several crude lines were evaluated in this study. Criteria were developed for pipe integrity and safety assessment with various upgrade options which includes replacement rehabilitation and conducting Inline Instrument (ILI) scraping. Furthermore a database established for all required information to apply the criteria utilizing decision matrix approach; applying the criteria required around 50000 data entries. Additionally the study capitalized on latest corrosion rate simulator MULTICORP software developed through Joint Industry Project (JIP) with the Institute for Corrosion and Multiphase Technology (ICMT) Ohio University USA. This software was validated by actual data obtained from the Invista instrument scraping technology and found matching results.
Finally the study utilizes a decision matrix approach based on the established integrity and safety criteria and identified with conclusion lines to be replaced rehabilitated or inspected.

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