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14122 total products found.
Picture for Characterization of Stress-Corrosion-Cracking in Plutonium-Bearing Storage Containers
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Characterization of Stress-Corrosion-Cracking in Plutonium-Bearing Storage Containers

Product Number: 51324-20845-SG
Author: Emmanuel Perez; Roderick E. Fuentes; Michael J. Martínez-Rodríguez; Henry Ajo
Publication Date: 2024
The Integrated Surveillance Program, under the Department of Energy, is responsible for the periodic surveillance of storage containers containing plutonium-bearing materials. The container-package consist of a stainless-steel three-layered structure with a convenience can that confines the material, and seal-welded inner and outer cans designed to isolate the materials for up to 50 years with minimal surveillance. The inner-can represents the first layer of material containment, and it should not be breached. During monitoring, corrosion-pitting and suspected stress-corrosion-cracking (SCC) has been identified in some of the inner cans near the weld regions due to the transport of chloride salts and water impurities into the space between the convenience can and the inner can. SCC through wall penetration would result in an undesired increased risk of leakage. An investigation is in progress to identify and characterize corrosion events in the inner-cans to determine the prevalence of corrosion features and the likelihood of a through-wall breach. This document presents a specimen where significant pitting corrosion and cracking was observed in and near the heat affected zone between the can and the lid. Characterization was carried out by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and 3D-tomography. Tomography was carried out using a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) to mill into the surface of the specimen to map the subsurface topographies of pits and cracks. The study revealed the crack depth and secondary cracks that developed from cracks observed at the surface.
Corrosion Of Wrought And Cast Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo Alloys In High-Temperature Brines And CO2-Rich Supercritical Phases With Oxygen And Hydrogen Sulfide
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Corrosion Of Wrought And Cast Ni-Fe-Cr-Mo Alloys In High-Temperature Brines And CO2-Rich Supercritical Phases With Oxygen And Hydrogen Sulfide

Product Number: 51322-17882-SG
Author: Manuel Marya
Publication Date: 2022

Carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is part of decarbonization solutions to reduce green-house gas emissions, as exemplified by the growing number of capital expenditure projects worldwide.1-2 In CCUS, the carbon dioxide (CO2) is consecutively (1) captured at origin, such as power plants and natural gas production sites, (2) separated from other gases and impurities, (3) compressed, (4) transported through pipelines, and finally (5) injected into a storage site such as deleted hydrocarbon wells, saline aquafers, coal beds, underground caverns, or seawater.1,3 Since the 1970s, specifically the first commercial carbon dioxide flooding in the United States (known as SACROC), carbon dioxide sequestration has been largely discussed in the context of enhanced oil recovery (EOR), not in the newer context of Sustainability. Nonetheless, substantial experience has been drawn from EOR, including for the selection of the right and economical materials.4 As reflected by the literature, past materials test programs have rarely given any attention to downhole jewelry alloys compared to tubulars or surface-infrastructure alloys, and consequently the track records for such bar-stock alloys are either inexistent or not readily available. 5-7 This lack of apparent return-on-experience represents a knowledge gap against the prospect of a safe greenhouse gas control method; needless to say, it also justifies the requirements for reliable well integrity monitoring solutions in carbon dioxide sequestration wells.8-9  

Picture for 09377 Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance for Materials in Geothermal Applications
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09377 Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance for Materials in Geothermal Applications

Product Number: 51300-09377-SG
ISBN: 09377 2009 CP
Author: Markus Finke, Ralph Babler, Ali Saadat, Rolf Kirchheiner and Andreas Burkert
Publication Date: 2009
Picture for Determination of Precursor Sites for Pitting Corrosion of UNS N07718 in Cl-Environments – Part 1. Experimental Setup
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Picture for Corrosion Phenomena in Braking Systems
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Physico-Chemical Characterization of Corrosion Scales in Braking Systems

Product Number: 51320-14687-SG
Author: Marco Bandiera, Andrea Bonfanti, Andrea Mauri, Alessandro Mancini, Massimiliano Bestetti, Federico Bertasi
Publication Date: 2020
Picture for Evaluation of Heavy-Walled High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing for Stress Corrosion Cr
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51314-3903-Evaluation of Heavy-Walled High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Mechanical Tubing for Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance

Product Number: 51314-3903-SG
ISBN: 3903 2014 CP
Author: Karthik Krishnan
Publication Date: 2014
	Picture for Quantifying Effect of Hydrogen and Sulfur in Mitigating Free Fatty Acid Corrosion in Renewable Diesel Applications
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Quantifying Effect of Hydrogen and Sulfur in Mitigating Free Fatty Acid Corrosion in Renewable Diesel Applications

Product Number: 51324-20864-SG
Author: Sridhar Srinivasan; Winston Robbins; Gerrit Buchheim
Publication Date: 2024
Production of Renewable Diesel (RD) and Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) from bio / natural oils has seen significant investment in recent years, stemming from worldwide government mandated need to reduce fossil fuel CO2 emissions. New investments have occurred in retrofitting / adapting existing refinery hydroprocessing infrastructure to process natural oils or coprocess natural oils blended with crudes to produce RD and SAF. This stems from the fact that natural oils have the hydrocarbon (HC) structures to fit within the mid-distillate fuel product such as diesel and aviation fuel as well as that these processes are optimized for removal of unwanted Sulfur and Oxygen removal. In Corrosion/2023, the authors introduced a molecular mechanistic model to quantify FFA corrosion as a function of temperature and FFA concentration. This model exploited the similarity of FFA to carboxylic acids, akin to naphthenic acids found in conventional refinery crude unit process streams, especially in case of unsaturated FFA. A key aspect of modeling corrosion for FFA is the inhibitive role of hydrogen in the presence of Iron sulfide species. While natural oils do not contain sulfur compounds, presence of reactive sulfur species such as thiols and sulfides in coprocessing applications provides an easy pathway to provide for the formation of a potentially protective nano barrier layer of FeS. Further, the presence of FeS acts as a catalyst towards dissociation of molecular H2 to atomic H and subsequent reduction of FFA through atomic hydrogen. A threshold H2 partial pressure is required to ensure hydrogen reduction of FFA is kinetically dominant when compared to acid corrosion of Fe. Residence time of acid is another key parameter that will impact propensity for corrosion and / or H2 inhibition and is considered in the development of the prediction model. A framework incorporating the effects of H2 partial pressure, residence time and reactive S concentration is proposed for assessing FFA corrosion for various commonly utilized natural oils in renewable applications.