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3388 total products found.

Furan Reinforced Thermoset Plastics for Chemical Process Equipment, MTI Publication No. 21

Product Number: 37912
ISBN: MTI 21 Furan Re
Author: By Webster-Atkinson Associates
Picture for Review of Key Factors Related to Sour Service Material Selection for HPHT Oil & Gas Production A
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Review of Key Factors Related to Sour Service Material Selection for HPHT Oil & Gas Production A

Product Number: 51319-13400-SG
Author: Jing Ning
Publication Date: 2019

Failure mechanisms manifest in Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) steels for highly sour applications are dominated by corrosion and Environmentally-Assisted Cracking (EAC). EAC of high strength low alloy carbon steels typically used in well completion has been a problem of major concern for the reliable exploitation of reservoirs that produce or condense significant amounts of water alongside dissolved CO2 and H2S. A critical issue in selecting OCTG steels that are considered suitable for sour service is selection of representative laboratory conditions of the actual High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) service environments. The issue is due to a lack of reliable sour ionic model(s) to understand non-ideal sour gas/solution behavior at HPHT conditions. Such ionic model(s) will form the foundation for designing / specifying experimental environments and lab tests to ascertain optimized H2S serviceability limits of a number of potential sour service metallic alloys.This paper provides a comprehensive review of current understanding of H2S ionic / thermodynamic modeling for HPHT applications as a precursor to predicting physical chemistry. This typically involves characterizing the role of key parameters such as H2S gas partial pressure gas fugacity aqueous chemical activity species concentrations and ionic strength. Also addressed as part of this review are evaluations of recent studies incorporating advanced thermodynamic models at HPHT conditions in evaluating EAC susceptibility of OCTG steels in sour media.The objectives of this review paper are to identify the key challenges and limitations facing the current EAC cracking limits per NACE MR0175 / ISO15156 and make recommendations for adoption of typical best practices in selecting materials for HPHT sour upstream production applications.Keywords: Hydrogen Sulfide High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Material Selection Sour Ionic / Thermodynamic Model

	Picture for Proposed Test Protocol for Evaluating Internal Coating Systems for Railcar Sour Oil Applications
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Proposed Test Protocol for Evaluating Internal Coating Systems for Railcar Sour Oil Applications

Product Number: 51324-20646-SG
Author: Amal Al-Borno; Moavin Islam; Henry Pedraza
Publication Date: 2024
Crude oil is usually transported by pipelines from the production areas to refineries. However, in North America, particularly Canada, a significant amount of crude oil is transported via specially designed railcars. The internals of the railcars are typically coated with a high-quality coating system to prevent corrosion. Still, coating failures do occur due to the unique cyclic operating service conditions of the railcars. Thus, elevated temperatures are used to reduce fluid viscosity with a resultant increase in the vapor pressure while the loading of the oil in the railcars. Once loaded, the crude is transported under ambient temperature and pressure until the railcars reach their destination. During off-loading, elevated temperatures are again used for reducing the viscosity of the oil. After emptying the contents, the railcars are allowed to return to ambient conditions and sent back to the production area to repeat the loading, transportation, unloading cycle. Currently, there is no established test protocol to evaluate candidate coating systems for railcar internals under simulated operating conditions. Testing is usually done under a single set of operating conditions of loading or unloading and does not include the synergistic effect of the different temperature variations. This paper presents a detailed test protocol for evaluating candidate coating systems for railcar internals. The proposed test protocol was designed to simulate the expected service conditions of railcars using a modified NACE TM0185-2006 test procedure, “Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by Autoclave Testing”. The modification includes the cyclic service condition of railcars – fuel loading, loaded transportation, off-loading, dry heat and empty transportation.
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Product Number: 51300-03081-SG
ISBN: 03081 2003 CP
Author: John N. Murray, James Lenar
Picture for 04358 Full Scale Testing of Grooved Polymer Liners
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04358 Full Scale Testing of Grooved Polymer Liners for Downhole Applications

Product Number: 51300-04358-SG
ISBN: 04358 2004 CP
Author: John Wolodko and Randy Petersen, C FER Technologies; Rob Cor, Tri-Can Well Services Ltd.; Jack Taylo
Picture for 05205 Corrosion Protection and Health Monitoring
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05205 Corrosion Protection and Health Monitoring by Smart Appliques

Product Number: 51300-05205-SG
ISBN: 05205 2005 CP
Author: Guy D. Davis, DACCO SCI INC; Terry G. Vargo and Andrew W. Dalgleish, Integument Technologies Inc.; D
Picture for Effect of Pre-pits on Localized Corrosion and Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steel UNS S32205 in Upstream Production Environments
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Effect of Pre-pits on Localized Corrosion and Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steel UNS S32205 in Upstream Production Environments

Product Number: 51324-21031-SG
Author: Guru Prasad Sundararajan; V.T. Aruna; Marc E. Wilms; Navashree Surendran
Publication Date: 2024
Components in upstream Oil and Gas production such as flowlines, storage vessels or injector pipelines which are made of duplex stainless steel UNS S32205 can undergo localized corrosion such as pitting or crevice corrosion when exposed to oxygen during shutdowns or turn arounds. Such unintended exposure to oxygen is related to poor maintenance or improper preservation and would normally require replacement of equipment. Further use of such pitted components can be considered but requires re-assessment of the pre-corroded material. Open-circuit Potential (OCP) and repassivation potentials (Erp) were measured on UNS S32205 in simulated flowline brines containing 150,000 mg/L Cl- at 110oC with pCO2 of 4.1 bara. The effect of pre-pits on bare and girth welded UNS S32205 was determined by creating artificial pits at OCP under oxygenated brine conditions and then switching the gaseous environment to sweet (CO2) conditions with continuous OCP monitoring. It was found that in oxygen-free CO2 production environments, existing pits did not grow. Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) resistance of pre-pitted solution annealed UNS S32205 specimens was determined through Slow Strain Rate Testing (SSRT) and Ripple Load Testing (RLT) at 90oC in concentrated chloride solutions. An electrochemical method was applied to create a single pit on the gauge surface. Comparison of SSRT and RLT results showed that SSRT is too aggressive for determining the pH2S limits. RLT of both pristine and pre-pitted UNS S32205 in concentrated chlorides with up to 0.3 bara pH2S did not show rupture, while selective attack of the ferrite phase was found (pit-depth < 30µm). RLT of notched UNS S32205 specimens were compared to that of pre-pitted specimens. Implications of these results on the limits recommended in ISO15156 / NACE MR0175 are discussed.
Picture for Statistics to Compare Alloy 718 Properties from Additive Manufactured and Newer Mill-Produced Bar Stocks
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Statistics to Compare Alloy 718 Properties from Additive Manufactured and Newer Mill-Produced Bar Stocks

Product Number: 51319-12948-SG
Author: Manuel Marya
Publication Date: 2019

Alloy 718 is a common oilfield material for permanent and service equipment in need of high-mechanical ratings and resistance to corrosion especially environmentally-assisted cracking in sour gas wells. In past decade Alloy 718 production from traditional and newer mills has greatly increased in response to global demands; independently yet driven by similar market growth additive manufacturing (AM) has expanded beyond rapid prototyping to become an industrial production process namely in the aerospace. Today 718 bar stocks as per API6CRA are produced by over a dozen mills worldwide;similarly 718 powder products are increasingly offered by both traditional and newer mills with intents to servea multitude ofAM technologies. Due to the rise of new economic forces in the O&amp;G there are today needs for evaluating (ultimately qualifying) newer 718 producing mills as well as 718 powders in combination with various AM technologies. Due to concerns overraw-material properties a study was conducted to analyze 718 materials from these various origins utilizing (1) mill cert big-data analyses (2) third-party recertified mechanical test data (3) a multitude of sour service test results outside the traditional NACE MR0175/ISO15156 operational service limits among others. The later raw-material test implemented in the early 2010s for screening and qualification purposes aims at quantitatively comparing 718 production heats of various origins and with additive manufacturing also generating interests since the early 2010sthe same tests have also beenextended to determine how layer-by-layer deposited materials compare to bar stock materials.

Picture for Effect of Carbon Content on Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance for UNS S34751 with Extra Low Carbon Content
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Effect of Carbon Content on Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance for UNS S34751 with Extra Low Carbon Content

Product Number: 51319-12783-SG
Author: Takahiro Osuki
Publication Date: 2019
Picture for Case Study of Hybrid Onshore-Offshore CP Life Extension Retrofit for East Texas Facility
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Case Study of Hybrid Onshore-Offshore CP Life Extension Retrofit for East Texas Facility

Product Number: 51324-20974-SG
Author: Yuxi Duan; Colette Brogna-Nichols
Publication Date: 2024