The static FEA results identified opportunities to optimize existing maintenance, inspection, and operating practices. Recommendations are made regarding inspection, repair, and operation of haul trucks based on the ambient temperature, crack depth and length.
Product Number:
Duane Serate
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A study was performed to understand the mechanism of frame cracking on the mining haul trucks in an oilsands' operating site. A static finite element analysis (FEA) was completed to identify the high stress areas prone to cracking, and recommendations for extending the service life were attained through Fatigue Analysis and Brittle Fracture Assessment.
In order to perform this FEA, an accurate 3-dimensional (3D) solid model of the truck frame was built by completing a laser scan of the entire truck frame surfaces. External static loads were applied to this generated 3D solid model for each load case to determine the stresses within the frame. Each load case was then examined to determine its contribution to the total fatigue life consumption, and also determine the critical crack dimensions to prevent brittle fracture.
The static FEA results identified opportunities to optimize existing maintenance, inspection, and operating practices. Recommendations are made regarding inspection, repair, and operation of haul trucks based on the ambient temperature, crack depth and length.
Key words: oilsands, truck frame, cracking, fatigue, brittle fracture, finite element analysis