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This standard covers surface preparation, material requirements, application, and handling of hot- and cold-applied wax and component wrappers and wax-based tape coating systems for the protection of underground pipelines, and valves. This standard is intended for use by corrosion control personnel, design engineers, project managers, purchasers, application contractors, and construction engineers and managers. The use of this standard in coordination with the manufacturer of the referenced materials herein will reduce the chance of their misapplication and will maximize their potential to provide long-term corrosion protection. This standard is also referenced by NACE SP0169, “Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.”
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This standard is based upon the technical requirements for coating repair developed by the National Marine Ship Standardization Technical Committee Ship Repair Branch Technical Committee in China, but may be applicable for use globally provided it meets the field requirements of marine maintenance and fulfills the environmental protection requirements of the appropriate governing body.
This standard practice describes overcoating of the exteriors of railcars. The purpose of this standard practice is to provide methods for testing and application of overcoating materials for the benefit of railcar owners, lessees, and maintenance providers who are charged with developing and executing programs for the maintenance painting of railcars.
The purpose of this AMPP test method is to standardize the testing methods and conditions used to determine the substrate and surface temperature limits for different thicknesses of insulative coatings used for personnel protection to be in compliance with ASTM C1055. The temperature limits determined when using this test method are specific for each coating tested at a particular thickness and substrate temperature. A standardized test method can validate the temperature limits of a coating used for personnel protection and enable direct comparison of its performance to other commercially available coatings. This test method is intended for use by facility owners, engineers, health and safety specialists, coatings manufacturers, and other interested parties.
Esta norma conjunta da SSPC/NACE International aborda a preparação de superfícies de concreto antes da aplicação de revestimento ou sistemas de proteção. Esta norma deve ser usada pelos especificadores, aplicadores, inspetores e outros responsáveis por definir um grau padrão de limpeza, resistência, perfil e secura de superfícies de concreto preparadas.
This NACE/SSPC joint standard defines the Clean to Bare Substrate (WJ-1) degree of surface cleanliness of coated or uncoated metallic substrates achieved by the use of waterjet cleaning prior to the application of a protective coating or lining. Waterjet cleaning is the use of pressurized surface preparation water for removing coatings and other materials, including hazardous materials, from a substrate to achieve a defined degree of surface cleanliness. Waterjet clean- ing includes various methods such as low-pressure water cleaning (LP WC), high-pressure water cleaning (HP WC), high-pressure waterjetting (HP WJ), and ultrahigh-pressure waterjetting (UHP WJ).
This standard practice is intended to provide guidance to those designing, fabricating, and/or maintaining refinery equipment and piping that are exposed to caustic environments.
Caustic is used in many petroleum refinery applications in a wide range of concentrations and temperatures. Caustic stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of carbon steel (CS) equipment has been reported in industry since the 1930s, e.g., in riveted steam boilers. NACE has published guidance for handling sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the form of a “Caustic Service Chart” since at least the mid-1960s.
This standard defines the process for preparing a carbon steel surface to the near-white metal degree of surface cleanliness using a dry abrasive blast method of cleaning. It is intended for use by coating or lining specifiers, applicators, inspectors, or others whose responsibility is to specify a standard degree of surface cleanliness for carbon steel surfaces to be achieved by dry abrasive blast cleaning. or to prepare or inspect carbon steel to conform to defined requirements.
The primary functions of blast cleaning before coating are
a) to remove material from the surface that can cause early failure of the coating, and
b) to obtain a suitable surface profile (roughness) to enhance the adhesion of the new coating system.
The six degrees of dry abrasive blast cleaning of carbon steel surfaces are:
Degree of Surface Cleanliness
White Metal Blast Cleaning
Near-White Metal Blast Cleaning
Commercial Blast Cleaning
Industrial Blast Cleaning
Brush-Off Blast Cleaning
Thorough Spot and Sweep Blast Cleaning for Industrial Coating Maintenance
This AMPP standard practice presents the requirements for electrochemical chloride extraction and electrochemical realkalization of reinforcing steel in atmospherically exposed concrete structures.The standard provides the designengineer and contractor with the requirements for control of corrosion of conventional reinforcing steel in Portland cement concrete structures through the application of chloride extraction or realkalization.This standard is intended foruse by owners, engineers, architects, contractors, and all those concerned with rehabilitation of corrosion-damagedreinforced concrete structures.
This standard presents standard practices for effective control of external corrosion of underground storage tank (UST) systems by cathodic protection (CP). It is intended to be used by corrosion professionals as a guideline to establish minimum requirements for using CP to control external corrosion of metallic UST systems, including those used to contain oil, gas, and water.
STABILIZATION NOTICE: This document has been declared “Stabilized” by AMPP Standards Committee (SC) 04 and will no longer be subjected to periodic reviews for currency.
The purpose of this standard practice is to outline procedures for providing sheet rubber lining protection to new and used equipment, such as piping and vessels. Included are recommendations for surface preparation and the dimensions of piping that can be rubber lined. An explanation of types of rubber lining materials available and their methods of cure are also given.
STABILIZATION NOTICE: This document has been declared “Stabilized” by AMPP Standards Committee (SC) 03 and will no longer be subjected to periodic reviews for currency.
This AMPP standard practice provides the most current technology and industry practices for the use of field-applied coal tar enamel external pipe coating systems. This standard is intended for use by corrosion-control personnel, design engineers, project managers, purchasing personnel, and construction engineers and managers. It is applicable to underground steel pipelines in the oil and gas gathering, distribution, and transmission industries.