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Requirements to ensure adequate isolation of cathodically protected pipelines, especially those with high-quality dielectric coatings.
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Note: This document was originally published with an error in Section 3, Figure 3, page 8. These identified errors are corrected. The Errata sheet is included.
This standard test method describes a quality assurance procedure for determining the potential and current capacity characteristics under laboratory conditions for aluminum and zinc alloy anodes used for cathodic protection (CP). Field performance of anodes should be evaluated to correspond to actual anode performance.
This standard is intended primarily for users, designers, and manufacturers involved with the application of CP in marine environments. This standard can be used by manufacturers and users of aluminum and zinc anodes for quality control verification. The most common usage is expected to be by manufacturers to meet quality control requirements requested by the purchasing user.
The purpose of this AMPP standard practice is to present procedures and practices for the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of deep anode systems used for the control of external corrosion of underground or submerged metallic structures by impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP). It is intended to be used in conjunction with NACE SP0169 and SP0177. This standard is intended to be used by corrosion engineers, corrosion consultants, representatives from manufacturers, and others concerned with corrosion control of underground structures.
The corrosion of reinforcing and prestressing steel in concrete structures caused by stray currents. The history of stray-current corrosion, sources, mechanisms, effects on structures, detection and mitigation.
Control de la corrosión externa en sistemas de tuberías (enterradas o sumergidas) de acero, acero inoxidable, hierro fundido, hierro dúctil, cobre y aluminio
This NACE standard presents guidelines for cathodic protection (CP) of reinforcing steel in buried or submerged concrete structures. These guidelines provide corrosion control personnel with information to control corrosion of conventional reinforcing steel in portland cement concrete structures through the application of CP. The guidelines presented in this standard are limited to CP systems for new or existing buried or submerged reinforced concrete elements.
Achieving effective control of external corrosion on buried or submerged metallic piping systems. Design. Coatings. Cathodic protection. Installation. Interference currents. Costs.
This standard practice presents guidelines and procedures for use during risk assessment, mitigation, and monitoring of corrosion on underground, cathodically protected steel piping systems caused by proximity to alternating current (AC) power supply systems.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Materials, practices, and methods of corrosion control for fixed offshore structures associated with petroleum production. Three major areas: the submerged zone, the splash zone, and the atmospheric zone.
DOWNLOADABLE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Cathodic protection (CP) of reinforcing steel in concrete structures. Impressed current CP for atmospherically exposed reinforced concrete. Not intended for application to prestressed concrete.
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT. Acceptable practices for the design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of steel-cased metallic pipelines. For use by personnel in the pipeline industry.
Recommended practices for providing impressed current cathodic protection to the normally submerged steel surfaces inside water storage tanks. Historical Document 1995