
51316-7334-Insight in sidestream corrosion field-testing from the North Sea; experiences benefits and pitfalls

 Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) can be a major issue for line pipe exposed to sour environments. In this study, influence of the test solutions on HIC evaluation was investigated from the view point of corrosion. Electrochemical measurements were employed to compare corrosion behavior of line pipe steels between the 0.93N acetate buffer solution and the conventional 0.05N acetate solution.

Product Number: 51316-7334-SG
ISBN: 7334 2016 CP
Author: Oeystein Birketveit
Publication Date: 2016

 The use of corrosion sidestream units can enhance understanding of corrosion mechanisms and optimize the chemical injection rates. However, as always, there are pitfalls, challenges and weaknesses related to the test method and the experiences described here may be helpful for future field studies.

Usually, it is not possible to mimic the full range of field conditions in the laboratory environment, which can potentially lead to insufficient and misleading information. Field studies may seem as challenging operations, however the resulting data is often significantly more realistic compared to the information obtained in laboratory studies, and often provides quality data for decision support.

With emerging technologies, the field studies can be performed with a minimum workload for the operational personnel. The main workload is normally up front of the test, and the duration of the test is normally less important as it has minimal impact on operational routine. This opens a window of opportunity for time and cost effective studies of slow evolving corrosion mechanisms, for example microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), and finding suitable mitigation treatments for them.

Experience dictates that in many cases, the use of corrosion sidestream units may be equally or more cost effective when matched with laboratory evaluation methods.

Key words: downloadable, corrosion, corrosion inhibitors, sidestream unit, decision support


 The use of corrosion sidestream units can enhance understanding of corrosion mechanisms and optimize the chemical injection rates. However, as always, there are pitfalls, challenges and weaknesses related to the test method and the experiences described here may be helpful for future field studies.

Usually, it is not possible to mimic the full range of field conditions in the laboratory environment, which can potentially lead to insufficient and misleading information. Field studies may seem as challenging operations, however the resulting data is often significantly more realistic compared to the information obtained in laboratory studies, and often provides quality data for decision support.

With emerging technologies, the field studies can be performed with a minimum workload for the operational personnel. The main workload is normally up front of the test, and the duration of the test is normally less important as it has minimal impact on operational routine. This opens a window of opportunity for time and cost effective studies of slow evolving corrosion mechanisms, for example microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), and finding suitable mitigation treatments for them.

Experience dictates that in many cases, the use of corrosion sidestream units may be equally or more cost effective when matched with laboratory evaluation methods.

Key words: downloadable, corrosion, corrosion inhibitors, sidestream unit, decision support


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