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100% Solids Elasatometric Polyurethane vs 100% Solids Epoxy Linings in Steel Potable Water Storage Applications

Epoxy linings have long been the standard generic resin type when specifiers are selecting products for lining new steel potable water tanks or rehabilitating existing steel potable water storage tanks in North America. The one exception to this rule has been the Canadian potable water storage market. In Canada many specifiers have recognized the benefits offered by 100% Solids Elastomeric Polyurethane linings for 25+ years with admirable results. 

Product Number: 51219-194-SG
Author: Murray Heywood
Publication Date: 2019

Epoxy linings have long been the standard generic resin type when specifiers are selecting products for lining new steel potable water tanks or rehabilitating existing steel potable water storage tanks in North America. The one exception to this rule has been the Canadian potable water storage market. In Canada many specifiers have recognized the benefits offered by 100% Solids Elastomeric Polyurethane linings for 25+ years with admirable results. Many people will accept and understand the use of Elastomeric Polyurethanes for lining concrete storage tanks; I suggest that the same benefits that make these products attractive for concrete also make them a good choice when lining steel tanks.

Epoxy linings have long been the standard generic resin type when specifiers are selecting products for lining new steel potable water tanks or rehabilitating existing steel potable water storage tanks in North America. The one exception to this rule has been the Canadian potable water storage market. In Canada many specifiers have recognized the benefits offered by 100% Solids Elastomeric Polyurethane linings for 25+ years with admirable results. Many people will accept and understand the use of Elastomeric Polyurethanes for lining concrete storage tanks; I suggest that the same benefits that make these products attractive for concrete also make them a good choice when lining steel tanks.

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