
07390 A Nanostructured, Field Effect Transistor-Based Sensor

Product Number: 51300-07390-SG
ISBN: 07390 2007 CP
Author: Kuang-Tsan Kenneth Chiang and B. Lanning
Publication Date: 2007
Central to the mechanism of detection with a sensor is the transduction of a signal associated with selective recognition of biological or chemical species of interest. Nanostructured devices, comparable in size to the biological and chemical species of interest, represent ideal transducers for enhancing signal gain and detection sensitivity. In this paper, we report on the development of a nanostructured onedimensional field effect transistor (1D FET) device on standard silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material with enhanced sensitivity to environmental variables, such as moisture and selective ionic concentration as it relates to corrosion processes. Semiconducting channels (p-doped silicon), on the order of 50–100 nm in height and width and 2 µm in length, were fabricated using e-beam lithography with the remaining FET features fabricated using standard semiconducting processes. The one dimensional channel structure behaved as an FET device (i.e., with variation in the channel resistance upon application of a current across the source to drain electrodes for a constant applied voltage at the gate electrode).
Central to the mechanism of detection with a sensor is the transduction of a signal associated with selective recognition of biological or chemical species of interest. Nanostructured devices, comparable in size to the biological and chemical species of interest, represent ideal transducers for enhancing signal gain and detection sensitivity. In this paper, we report on the development of a nanostructured onedimensional field effect transistor (1D FET) device on standard silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material with enhanced sensitivity to environmental variables, such as moisture and selective ionic concentration as it relates to corrosion processes. Semiconducting channels (p-doped silicon), on the order of 50–100 nm in height and width and 2 µm in length, were fabricated using e-beam lithography with the remaining FET features fabricated using standard semiconducting processes. The one dimensional channel structure behaved as an FET device (i.e., with variation in the channel resistance upon application of a current across the source to drain electrodes for a constant applied voltage at the gate electrode).
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