This paper describes the case of localized corrosion of type 316L thermo-wells installed in a seawater cooling system of a power plant. Susceptibility to localized corrosion of type 316L in biocide-treated seawater service is discussed with respect to dissimilar metal coupling with titanium. Titanium ennobled in chlorinated seawater has shifted the corrosion potential of type 316L to its pitting potential. A shock dosage has ennobled titanium remarkably while low concentration of chlorine has not increased the potential of titanium. The ennobled potential of titanium induced by such shock dosage has been maintained even the chlorine level was lowered to as low as 1.6 ppm. In order to prevent
ennoblement of titanium condenser tubes after a shock dosage, interruption of continuous chlorination is required to prevent localized corrosion of type 316L.
Key words: titanium, type 316L, chlorination, ennoblement, seawater, condenser, pitting potential, shock dosage, super stainless steel, sodium hypochlorite