
The Effect of Shot Peening on Steam Oxidation of Stainless Steel at 600°-650°C

This study exposed sections from two commercially shot peened S30409 tubes in 1 bar steam for up to 15,000 h at 600°, 625° and 650°C and specimens were removed at increments to characterize the oxide thickness and microstructure.

Product Number: 51317--9426-SG
ISBN: 9426 2017 CP
Author: Bruce Pint
Publication Date: 2017

Shot peening is an industry solution to scale exfoliation problems with conventional stainless steels in steam tubing in coal-fired power plants. However relatively little data are publicly available regarding the performance of shot peened specimens in steam environments. This study exposed sections from two commercially shot peened tubes for up to 15000 h at 600° 625° and 650°C. The oxide thickness was measured at 2500 h increments. Unpolished material formed thick Fe-rich oxides while the shot-peened inner diameter generally formed thin oxides with occasional Fe-rich oxide nodules. Interestingly the machined outer diameter of the tube segment showed similar benefits as shot peening. The benefit of shot peening began to degrade after 5000h at 650°C but was sustained past 10000 h at the lower temperatures. Research sponsored by the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy Crosscutting R&D Program.

Keywords: steam oxidation, shot peen, stainless steel, boiler tube

Shot peening is an industry solution to scale exfoliation problems with conventional stainless steels in steam tubing in coal-fired power plants. However relatively little data are publicly available regarding the performance of shot peened specimens in steam environments. This study exposed sections from two commercially shot peened tubes for up to 15000 h at 600° 625° and 650°C. The oxide thickness was measured at 2500 h increments. Unpolished material formed thick Fe-rich oxides while the shot-peened inner diameter generally formed thin oxides with occasional Fe-rich oxide nodules. Interestingly the machined outer diameter of the tube segment showed similar benefits as shot peening. The benefit of shot peening began to degrade after 5000h at 650°C but was sustained past 10000 h at the lower temperatures. Research sponsored by the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy Crosscutting R&D Program.

Keywords: steam oxidation, shot peen, stainless steel, boiler tube

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The Sensitisation Behaviour of Alloy UNS N08825 After Heat Treatment as Used in Clad Materials

Product Number: 51317--9459-SG
ISBN: 9459 2017 CP
Author: Helena Alves
Publication Date: 2017

The aim of this paper is to present recent standard test corrosion data obtained in laboratory for alloy UNS N08825 after post weld heat treatment in comparison with as delivered (soft annealed) material.