
Effects of Vapor Corrosion Inhibition on Corrosion of Secondary Liner in Double Shell Tanks at Hanford

High level radioactive waste is stored in 28 double shell tanks (DSTs) at Hanford. The secondary shell rests on a concrete pad that have indentations that provide a path for flow in case there is a leak for detection. It Is known that water can accumulate in the concrete indentations that needs to be pumped out of the pad from time to time. Ultrasonic tests have determined that there is some thinning of the bottom walls of the secondary tank that may have been caused by general and vapor space corrosion (VSC). A set of experiments were established by using a commercially available vapor corrosion inhibitor (VCI) to test its efficacy in mitigating general and VSC corrosion when it is applied at the surface of carbon steel and when is added into the water. Electrical resistance (ER) probes were also utilized to measure VCI efficacy at a level close to the liquid. The paper will present results of the testing and efficacy of VCIs in mitigating the vapor space corrosion of the secondary liner.

Product Number: 51319-13369-SG
Author: Pavan Shukla
Publication Date: 2019
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Picture for Evaluation of Impressed Current Cahtodically Protected API 650 Tank Bottoms in the Presence of Vapor
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51316-7600-Evaluation of Impressed Current Cahtodically Protected API 650 Tank Bottoms in the Presence of Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors

Product Number: 51316-7600-SG
ISBN: 7600 2016 CP
Publication Date: 2016